Les etrennes - A drawing of a woman in a white dress
New Year's gifts Français : Il faut remonter à la antiquité pour trouver l'origine de cette singulière coutume de solenniser le commencement de l'année par des présents et des voeux réciproquement offerts. Da... Еще
1881-Einladung Stiftungsfest Austria
Stiftungsfesteinladung 1881
Fournier La colère d'Achille - Egypt
Français : La colère d'Achille, Homer, Ilias 1, 1–5Deutsch: Der Zorn des Achill, Homer, Ilias 1, 1–5
Полное изображение на странице в ILN Кадр из фильма "Лондонские новос...
Суд над Перси Лефрой Мэплтоном за убийство на Брайтонской железной дороге - ILN 1881 Суд над Перси Лефроем Мэплтоном за убийство на Брайтонской железной дороге. Репортаж для The London News, 12 ноября 1881 года.
The brigantine 'L'Avennire' RMG BHC2490
The brigantine 'L'Avennire' A ship’s portrait of the brigantine ‘L’Avennire’ shown broadside-on. She is shown making her way through the deep ocean with both her deck houses clearly visible. A number of sailor... Еще
Mes chers agneaux - A drawing of a man sitting at a table
Quand il fut sur le lit de mort et fut apporter ses sacs remplis de pièces d'or et s'écria en passant les main dessus " hélas , faut-il que je vous quitte mes chers agneaux"
Tsunashima - Tokyo Mikyoga - Walters 95615
Женщин, прогуливающихся у пруда в Янагиваре, забавляет чрезмерная реакция монаха на буксир на рукаве. Он, без сомнения, рассказывает истории монахов, преследуемых женщинами.
Lawford vs Renshaw, Wimbledon in the 1880s
William Renshaw and Herbert Fortescue Lawford, playing a match at the Wimbledon Championships in 1881 https://www.newspapers.com/image/393779567 Printed in the Graphic, August 6, 1881. page 133 All England Law... Еще
LARK 1880 RMG J7291, ship plan, Royal museums Greenwich
LARK 1880 Inboard profile plan Public domain photograph related to navy, naval warfare, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Das sechste oder siebenteSchuljahr3
Satire: Das sechte oder siebente Schuljahr?! seistige Entwickelung der Schüler; und wie ihnen das später noch nach hängt.
Souci maternel - An old picture of a woman holding a child
Français : Dans cette scène d'un naturel si parfait on reconnaît la touche fine du pinceau.Les scènes de la vie de famille nous procurent toujours quelque émotions née à la fois de notre nature et de nos souve... Еще
Gold border detail, (14770874955) (cropped)
Identifier: indiansofberksco00brun (find matches) Title: The Indians of Berks County, Pa., being a summary of all the tangible records of the aborigines of Berks County, and contaning cuts and descriptions of... Еще
The Indians of Berks County, Pa., being a summary of all the tangible ...
Identifier: indiansofberksco00brun (find matches) Title: The Indians of Berks County, Pa., being a summary of all the tangible records of the aborigines of Berks County, and contaning cuts and descriptions of... Еще
A Liliput Kingdom For Sale Cheap
Crowning of Carol I, 10 May 1881
Crowning of Carol I Public domain photograph of politician, government and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Lilian Lancaster actress 1881
Line drawing of the actress and cartographer Lilian Lancaster (1852-1939) in 1881
Orange and Pink Roses - Public domain botanical illustration
(Removed after reusableart request.) Public domain scan - 19th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image
The Pictorial World, Christmas 1881 art - from, India-Proofs of Wood-E...
Album with hand-written title page: 'India-Proofs of Wood-Engravings by The Brothers Dalziel. "The Pictorial World". 1879 to 1883. This Book was made up at the time the engravings shown in it were done.' Ha... Еще
HARRIER 1881 RMG J2306, ship plan, Royal museums Greenwich
HARRIER 1881 sail Public domain photograph related to navy, naval warfare, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A Liliput Kingdom For Sale Cheap, The Wasp, 1881
A Liliput Kingdom For Sale Cheap
"Grave" by William Blake (woodcut)
"Grave" by William Blake. Woodcut. Public domain scan of woodcut print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
OANeckarsulm-b504 - A drawing of a castle on a hill
Beschreibung des Oberamts Neckarsulm Public domain photograph of German city, cityscape, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
De Heidi's Lehr und Wanderjahre (Spyri) 001
Deutsch: Dies ist ein Scan des historischen Buches: English: This is a scan of the historical document:
OANeckarsulm-b536 - A drawing of a view of a town from a hill
Beschreibung des Oberamts Neckarsulm Public domain photograph related to the history of Germany, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Старина Југ Богдан - Public domain portrait painting
Српски / srpski: Старина Југ Богдан. новинска ксилографија Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
La pobreza al amparo de la Iglesia, de Valeriano Domínguez Bécquer
Español: La pobreza al amparo de la Iglesia.—(Dibujo de Bécquer, tomado del natural en el pórtico de la Basílica de San Vicente en Ávila.), recogido en la revista española La Ilustración Católica.
Gojo Bridge, an Episode from the Life of Yoshitsune LACMA M.84.31.76a-...
Japan, 1881 Alternate Title: Gikeiki Gojobashi no zu Prints; woodcuts Triptych; color woodblock prints 13 7/8 x 27 3/4 in. (35.2 x 70.4 cm) Herbert R. Cole Collection (M.84.31.76a-c) Japanese Art
Различные типы суринамского языка WDL2897
Русский: Этот акварельный рисунок Арнольда Боррета (1848-1888 гг.) состоит из нескольких эскизов, изображающих разных членов общества и этнические группы, составляющие население голландской колонии Суринам в к... Еще
Цунасима - Токио Кайка Кёга Мэйсё - Уолтерс 95620
A foreign woman visits the Fox Shrine in Oji at the hour of the ox (1-3 AM) in order to put a curse on a former lover. What's funny is the sight of a foreigner doing something in a traditional Japanese manner. ... Еще
Inauguration HEC-1881
Français : Inauguration de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, rue de Tocqueville, en 1881, par A. FerdinandusEnglish: 1881 HEC Paris' inauguration, rue de Tocqueville, in Paris
UB Maastricht - Kreitner 1881 - p 140 (cropped - Lotus feet)
Page 140 from Gustav Kreitner (1881): Im fernen Osten
Charles Vernier - Autoportrait Charles VERNIER 1881
Français : Autoportrait réalisé par Charles Vernier.
The Pictorial World, 1881 Summer Number - from, India-Proofs of Wood-E...
Album with hand-written title page: 'India-Proofs of Wood-Engravings by The Brothers Dalziel. "The Pictorial World". 1879 to 1883. This Book was made up at the time the engravings shown in it were done.' Ha... Еще
SC-Ball Jena (1881) - A drawing of a group of men in uniform
Deutsch: Collage mit Porträtfotografien von Jenaer Studenten zur Erinnerung an den Exbummel nach dem SC-Ball 1881
The Indians of Berks County, Pa., being a summary of all the tangible ...
Identifier: indiansofberksco00brun (find matches) Title: The Indians of Berks County, Pa., being a summary of all the tangible records of the aborigines of Berks County, and contaning cuts and descriptions of... Еще
LARK 1880 RMG J7289, ship plan, Royal museums Greenwich
LARK 1880 Lower deck plan Public domain photograph related to navy, naval warfare, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
La serpiente y la lima, en La Ilustración Católica
Español: La serpiente y la lima, recogido en la revista española La Ilustración Católica.
Hermann Hoppe Khoroshiy ton 1881
«Collected Rules and Tips for All Occasions, Social and Family» - St. Petersburg.: Hermann Hoppe Publishing, 1881 Русский: «Хороший тон: Сборник правил и советов на все случаи жизни, общественной и семейной»-... Еще
HARRIER 1881 RMG J2307, ship plan, Royal museums Greenwich
HARRIER 1881 lines Public domain photograph related to navy, naval warfare, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
LARK 1880 RMG J7288, ship plan, Royal museums Greenwich
LARK 1880 section, midship Public domain photograph related to navy, naval warfare, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tsunashima - Tokyo Mikyoga - Walters 95433
Болельщики на турнире по сумо в Хаширигово, взволнованные победой своего мужчины, бросают с балкона халаты. Мальчик плачет в суматохе. Возможно, его штаны попали в штаны по ошибке.
Yoshitoshi The Ghost Triptych, Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Picryl description: Public domain photo of Japanese painting, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.
Jules Moinaux-Les Tribunaux comiques
Les Tribunaux comiques by Jules Moinaux Français : Les Tribunaux comiques de Jules Moinaux
La France illustrée - géographie, histoire, administration, statistiqu...
Identifier: lafranceillustr04malt (find matches) Title: La France illustrée : géographie, histoire, administration, statistique Year: 1881 (1880s) Authors: Malte-Brun, Victor Adolfe, 1816-1889 Subjects: Pub... Еще
Инчхона Инч Линия. Hamilton, Feser and Co. Liverpool RMG PY5297
Хэмилтон, "Ливерпуль" Launched: 27 July 1881. Габариты: 2392гр, 1483нм, 285,0 х 38,1 х 25,8 футов Двигатели: C2cyl (35 и 68 x 45 дюймов), 258p. Регистрационный номер: 84141 История: 1881 Владелец: Hamilton, Fes... Еще
A Dordrecht kaag in the Texel RMG BHC2340
A Dordrecht kaag in the Texel This painting has a previously title of 'A Barge on the Texel'. (It may be inscribed on the back, which remains to be checked as does the apparently inscribed date, since not on t... Еще
Verne-divadlo - A picture of a scene from a book
Čeština: Frontispice Vernovy knihy cesty na divadle z roku 1881
Patio del Palacio de San Telmo
Español: Patio del Palacio de San Telmo. Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
UNDINE 1881 RMG J7427, ship plan, Royal museums Greenwich
UNDINE 1881 lines Public domain photograph related to navy, naval warfare, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Die Gartenlaube (1881) b 777 - Public domain drawing
Deutsch: Bild aus Seite 777 in Die Gartenlaube, 1881.Die Falknerin. Nach dem Oelgemälde von L. Sorio auf Holz gezeichnet von J. v. Barbieri. English: Image from page 777 of journal Die Gartenlaube, 1881. Deut... Еще
Dans les Alpes Méridionales
dans les Alpes Méridionales par Gustave Doré
Impresión de la luz en Madrid
Español: Impresión de la luz de Madrid (1881), de Juan Espina y Capo. Óleo sobre lienzo, 97,5 x 182,5 cm. Museo del Prado, Madrid, España
Цунасима - Токио, Такэсима - Уолтерс
Воспользовавшись длинным брейдом китайца, неандертальская проститутка пытается втянуть его в какой-нибудь бизнес.
Oishi Kuranosuke Yoshio, Leader of the Forty-Seven Loyal Retainers LAC...
Japan, 1881 Series: A Mirror of Filial Piety in Japan Prints; woodcuts Color woodblock print Herbert R. Cole Collection (M.84.31.335) Japanese Art
Akino and His Father, Jimbei LACMA M.84.31.336
Japan, 1881 Series: A Mirror of Filial Piety in Japan Prints; woodcuts Color woodblock print Herbert R. Cole Collection (M.84.31.336) Japanese Art
Das sechste oder siebenteSchuljahr2
Satire: Das sechte oder siebente Schuljahr?! seistige Entwickelung der Schüler; und nach 7 jahriger Schulzeit;
LARK 1880 RMG J7292, ship plan, Royal museums Greenwich
LARK 1880 lines Public domain photograph related to navy, naval warfare, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Naming the Kittens - Public domain drawing
(Removed after reusableart request.) Public domain drawing of children, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
HMS Inflexible Building at Portsmouth Dockyard and complete for Sea in...
Вооружение 4 80-тонные орудия 4 6pr Q F 8 4.7in 2 3 pr Это судно участвовало в бомбардировке Александрии и в настоящее время является сторожевым кораблем в Портсмуте Бдительность. HMS Inflexible Building at Por... Еще
Picryl description: Public domain image, drawing, American, 19th centu...
Picryl description: Public domain image, drawing, American, free to use, no copyright restrictions
Das sechste oder siebenteSchuljahr1
Satire: Das sechte oder siebente Schuljahr?! seistige Entwickelung der Schüler nach 6 jahriger und
Traité du Bardo - A group of men standing next to each other
Français : La signature du traité du Bardo Reproduction d'un dessin montrant la signature du traité du Bardo, avec de gauche à droite Mohamed Larbi Zarrouk, Mohammed Aziz Bouattour, Mustapha Ben Ismaïl, Mohamm... Еще
OANeckarsulm-v0 - A drawing of a town with a church in the distance
Beschreibung des Oberamts Neckarsulm Public domain photograph related to the history of Germany, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
LARK 1880 RMG J7290, ship plan, Royal museums Greenwich
LARK 1880 Upper deck plan Public domain photograph related to navy, naval warfare, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description