"Kasamori Osen (Osen of the Kasamori Shrine)" Масуда Гёдзё (1881-1955)...
Kasamori Osen (Osen of the Kasamori Shrine) Масуда Гёдзё (1881-1955), живопись на шелке, ок. 1925-1935, Художественный музей Гонолулу
"Зимний пейзаж в стиле Вэнь Чжэньмина" Жа Рюзаня
Зимний пейзаж в стиле Вэнь Чжэнмина (Wen Cheng-Ming) Оя Рюдзаня, японец XIX века, Академия художеств Гонолулу
Коллаборативная живопись художников Эдо, середина 1810-х годов, Художе...
Коллаборативная тушь и цвет на шелкографии художников Эдо, середина 1810-х годов, Художественный музей Гонолулу, присоединение 13166.1. Художники: Сакаи Хоицу (луна), Куфата Фасаи (он же Китао Масаеси, слива), ... Еще
Fragment of the 'Tale of Saigyo', attributed to Kaida Sukeyasu, Honolu...
"Повесть о Сайгё" (Saigyo monogatari), Каида Сукейасу, в., тушь и цвет на бумаге, Художественный музей Гонолулу, вступление 3212.1
"Павильон Иммануила в весеннем дайбрейке" Харуки Нанмея, 1853 год, Худ...
"Павилион в весеннем дайбрейке" Харуки Нанмея, тушь и цвет на шелке, 1853 год, Художественный музей Гонолулу, 13185.1
Период Махасангха Виная, Хэйань, художественный музей Гонолулу
"Великий канон монашеских рулей", глава 3, Япония, период Хэйан, середина XII века, рукописный свиток, золото и серебро на бумаге индиго, Художественный музей Гонолулу, 1673.1a-b
"Белый ястреб" Като Бунина, XVIII век
"Белый ястреб" Като Бунина, период Эдо, XVIII век, тушь и цвет на шелке, Ричард Лейн, Художественный музей Гонолулу, 2003 год
Бамбуковые этюды и четыре комментария Китамуки Унчжу, 1694 год
Бамбуковые этюды и четыре комментария Китамуки Унчжу (деталь), период Эдо, 1694 год, тушь на шелковом свитке, Ричард Лейн, Художественный музей Гонолулу, TD 2011-23-432
Зимняя гора Кондо Коичиро, Музей искусств Гонолулу
Зимняя гора Кондо Коитиро, период Тайсё, ок. 1920 г., цвет на бумаге, Художественный музей Гонолулу 13222.1
Bird on a Cambria Branch by Yabuki Shoun (Ungaku), c. 1870-1927
"Повязка на ветке камня" Ябуки Сёуна (Унгаку), около 1870-1927 гг., тушь и цвет на бумаге, Ричард Лейн, Музей искусств Гонолулу, 2011-23-167
Ландшафт с фигурками Йокои Кинкоку, Музей искусств Гонолулу
Пейзаж с фигурками Йокои Кинкоку, период Эдо, 1817 год, тушь на шелке, Ричард Лейн, Художественный музей Гонолулу, TD 2011-23-046
Гейт в Некко, Гонолулу, художественный музей 2016-45-a
Гате в Некко, Япония, период Фацзи, 1880-1900 гг., Печать, Художественный музей Гонолулу, 2016-45-а
"Японская леди" неизвестного фотографа эпохи Цзи, художественный музей...
"Японская леди" неизвестного фотографа эпохи Цзи, 1880-е годы, серебряный принт с ручной раскраской, Художественный музей Гонолулу, 2008-27-10
Уличные певцы, Музей искусств Гонолулу 2016-45-15b
"Уличные певцы", Япония, 1880-1900 годы, Музей искусств Гонолулу, 2016-45-15б
Человек с подбородком под тройкой от Ни Могенга (Ни Тянь)
Человек с подбородком под тройкой работы Ни Могенга (Ни Тянь), тушь и цвет на шелке, Художественный музей Гонолулу, присоединение 14202.1
Море 1 (Дельфины) Уильяма Фредерика Ритца
Море 1 (Дельфины) Уильяма Фредерика Ритца, масло на каноэ, около 1928 года, Художественный музей Гонолулу, 13768.1
Unglazed clay architectural decoration, Java, Majapahit, c. 15th centu...
Unglazed clay architectural decoration, Java, Majapahit, c. 15th century, Honolulu Museum of Art
WLA haa Jain Temple Niche 2
Jain Temple Niche (detail) India, ca. 12th century Marble Honolulu Museum of Art Gift if Mr. and Mrs. Gulab Watumull, 1991 (6119.1)
House gable decoration in the form of a naga (snake), South Sumatra, L...
House gable decoration in the form of a nāga (snake), South Sumatra, Lampung, 20th century, wood, Honolulu Museum of Art
Bwoom mask, Bushoong Kuba people, Honolulu Museum of Art, 4254.1 (side...
Bwoom mask, Bushoong Kuba people, Democratic Republic of the Congo, late 19th - early 20th century, carved wood, copper, cowrie shells, beads, kaolin, animal skin, cotton fabric and raffia, Honolulu Museum of... Еще
Door, probably from North Africa, 16th century, HAA
Door, probably from Morocco, 16th to 17th century, wood inlaid with ivory or bone, long-term loan to the Honolulu Museum of Art by Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art (accession 64.71). The Arabic inscripti... Еще
Indonesian mask in the Honolulu Museum of Art, XXIII
Mask from Indonesia, 18th-20th century, polychromed wood and hair, Honolulu Museum of Art
Panel, Shoowa people, 20th century, Honolulu Museum of Art III
Panel, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Shoowa people, 20th century, raffia palm fiber, plain weave, and embroidery, Honolulu Museum of Art
Kapa bark cloth skirt from Hawaii, Honolulu Museum of Art 2264
Kapa pā‘ū (type of bark cloth skirt) from Hawaii, Honolulu Museum of Art accession 2264.jpg
Bed cover, Turkey or the Caucasus, Honolulu Museum of Art 1089
Bed cover, Turkey or the Caucasus, 19th century, cotton, silk, plain weave, embroidery, Honolulu Museum of Art accession 1089
Bed cover from Hawaii, 19th century, Honolulu Museum of Art 4730
Bed cover (kapa moe) from Hawaii, 19th century, inner bark of wauke (Broussonetia papyrifera), cotton, nanau (charcoal), Honolulu Museum of Art accession 4730
Phaa tuum luuk (baby blanket) from Laos, Honolulu Museum of Art 11431....
Phaa tuum luuk (baby blanket) from Laos, Xam Tai style, late 19th-early 20th century, silk, cotton, plain weave, plain weave with supplementary warp, Honolulu Museum of Art accession 11431.1
Hikeshi hanten (fireman's jacket), 19th century, Honolulu Museum of Ar...
Hikeshi hanten (fireman’s jacket) from Japan, 19th century, cotton, plain weave, tsutsugaki (rice paste resist), hand painted, sashiko (running stitch), Honolulu Museum of Art
Woman's katabira 18th century, ramie, silk, gilt paper, HMA
Woman's katabira (summer robe), Japan, 18th century, ramie, silk, gilt paper-wrapped thread, plain weave, embroidery, stencil printed, and hand painted, Honolulu Museum of Art
Woman's kimono, Kanto region, Honolulu Museum of Art 8268.1
Woman's kimono, Kanto region, first half of 20th century, silk, plain and crepe weave with supplementary inlay, double kasuri (ikat), Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 8268.1
Hinggi kombu (man's mantle or wrapper) from Sumba, Indonesia, Honolulu...
Hinggi kombu (man's mantle or wrapper) from Sumba, Indonesia, after 1930, cotton, warp ikat, plain weave, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 9742.1
Geringsing selendang from Bali, Honolulu Museum of Art 11642.1
Geringsing selendang (woman's ceremonial shoulder cloth) from Indonesia, Bali, Tenganan Pageringsingan, late 19th century, cotton, double ikat, Honolulu Museum of Art accession 11642.1
Sari from India (probably Benares), late 19th or early 20th century, s...
Sari from India (probably Benares), late 19th or early 20th century, silk with metallic thread, Honolulu Academy of Arts (loan from the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art)
Belt buckle with lion and ball design from China, Qing dynasty (1644-1...
Belt buckle with lion and ball design from China, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), nephrite, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Pig, Han dynasty, nephrite, Honolulu Museum of Art
Pig, China, Han dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE), nephrite, Honolulu Museum of Art
WLA haa Pair of Hair Pins and Stands
Plaque with Butterfly Design China, Qing dynasty, Jiaqing period (1796-1821) Nephrite wood Honolulu Academy of Arts Gift of Dr. Timothy Y.C. Choy, in honor of the Academy's 75th Anniversary and Melva Moline, 2... Еще
Head of a Man, Anatolia, from the Fortress of Sargon at Khorsabad, 717...
Head of a Man, Anatolia, from the Fortress of Sargon at Khorsabad, 717-707 BCE, Alabaster composed of gypsum, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Gift of Anna Rice Cooke, 1932 (3607)
The Washerwoman, bronze sculpture by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, c. 1916-17...
The Washerwoman (alternate title: Bather), bronze sculpture by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, c. 1916-17, Honolulu Museum of Art accession 9162.1
Stucco head from Afghanistan, Hadda, 3rd-5th century CE, HAA III
Stucco head from Afghanistan, Hadda, 3rd-5th century CE, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Seated Buddha statue from Nepal, 16th century, Honolulu Museum of Art
Seated Buddha statue from Nepal, gilt bronze, 16th century, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 10777.1
Netsuke with demon at Dojoji, 19th century, ivory, Honolulu Museum of ...
Netsuke with demon at Dojōji, 19th century, ivory, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 5357.7
Apsaras (pair of celestial musicians) from Japan, Nara period, c. 8th ...
Apsaras (pair of celestial musicians) from Japan, Nara period, c. 8th century, wood, gesso, paint, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Plaque of a Yakshi (female nature spirit), India, Bengal, 3rd-2nd cent...
Plaque of a Yakshī (female nature spirit), India, Bengal, 3rd-2nd century BCE, terracotta, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Female attendant, Han dynasty, earthenware with traces of polychrome, ...
Female attendant, China, Han dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE), earthenware with traces of polychrome, Honolulu Museum of Art
The Mountain Man by Frederic Remington, Honolulu Museum of Art
The Mountain Man by Frederic Remington, 1903, bronze, Cast 18, c. 1911, Roman Bronze Works, Honolulu Museum of Art accession 9444.1
Yunya (prickly pear cactus) kachina, Arizona, Hopi people, Honolulu Mu...
Yunya (prickly pear cactus) kachina, Arizona, Hopi people, Honolulu Museum of Art
Kabuki actor Fujimura Handayū II by Torii Kiyonobu I, late 1710s, Hono...
Kabuki actor Fujimura Handayū II by Torii Kiyonobu I, woodblock print with hand-applied color, late 1710s, Honolulu Museum of Art accession 13429
The Classical Poetess Ono no Komachi by Ryuryukyo Shinsai
The Classical Poetess Ono no Komachi from the series Thirty-six Poetry Immortals by Ryūryūkyo Shinsai, c. 1800, James Michener Collection, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 24258
Eleven-headed Kannon, c. 16th century, woodblock print, Honolulu Museu...
Eleven-headed Kannon, Muromachi period, c. 16th century, anonymous woodblock print, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 13432
Portrait of Walter Carl by Max Beckmann, drypoint and etching, 1916
Portrait of Walter Carl by Max Beckmann, drypoint and etching, 1916, Honolulu Museum of Art
'Maple Trees, Waterfall and Birds', six fold screen attributed to Kanô...
'Maple Trees, Waterfall and Birds', six fold screen attributed to Kanō Ryōkei, Japanese, early 17th century, ink, color and gold leaf on paper, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 3700.1
'Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden' by Hagura Katei, 1882, Honol...
Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden by Hagura Katei, Meji period, 1882, ink and light color on silk, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 13193.1
'Eight Landscape and Flower Paintings' by Wang Xuehao, Honolulu Museum...
Eight Landscape and Flower Paintings, ink and color on paper by Wang Xuehao, early 19th century, Honolulu Museum of Art
Flowers and Insects by Ma Quan, 1723, Honolulu Museum of Art
Flowers and Insects, ink and color on paper by Ma Quan, 1723, Honolulu Museum of Art
Bronze walking Buddha, Thailand, Sukhothai kingdom, 15th century, Hono...
Bronze walking Buddha, Thailand, Sukhothai kingdom, 15th century, Honolulu Museum of Art accession 7757.1
Bronze mirror, Japan, Tumulus period, c. 600 CE, Honolulu Academy of A...
Bronze mirror, Japan, Tumulus period, c. 600 CE, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Vessel, Java, Majapahit, 15th century, bronze, Honolulu Museum of Art
Vessel, Java, Majapahit, 15th century, bronze, Honolulu Museum of Art
Arm ornament, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, 19th century, gold, rubies and...
Arm ornament, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, 19th century, gold, rubies and emeralds, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Mirror with TLV design, Western Han dynasty, bronze, Honolulu Museum o...
Mirror with TLV design, China, Western Han dynasty (206 BCE – 9 CE), bronze, Honolulu Museum of Art
Flat spoon from China, Han dynasty, bronze, Honolulu Museum of Art
Flat spoon from China, Han dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE), bronze, Honolulu Museum of Art
Lacquer incense box by Shibata Zeshin, c. 1875s, Honolulu Museum of Ar...
Lacquer incense box (kōbako) by Shibata Zeshin, c. 1875s, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 4563.1
Kris handle from Indonesia, Honolulu Academy of Arts IX
Kris handle from Indonesia, 19th-20th century, ivory, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Federal gilded wood pier looking glass with églomisé panel by Edward L...
Federal gilded wood pier looking glass with églomisé panel by Edward Lothrop, Honolulu Museum of Art
English mahogany tea table, after Thomas Chippendale, c. 1730, HAA
English mahogany tea table, after Thomas Chippendale, c. 1730, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Japanese hair pin, black and gold lacquer, Edo or Taisho, Honolulu Mus...
Japanese hair pin, gold and black lacquer, Edo or Taishō, Honolulu Museum of Art
English two-door cabinet, c. 1815, penwork on wood with brass mounts a...
English two-door cabinet, c. 1815, penwork on wood with brass mounts and feet, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Sui dynasty bronze mirror with fpur racing animals design, HAA
Sui dynasty (589-906) bronze mirror with four racing animals design, Honolulu Academy of Arts
English Oak Chest, 16th century, HAA
English Oak Chest, 16th century, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Glazed stoneware dish from Thailand, Sankampaeng ware, 15th century, H...
Glazed stoneware dish from Thailand, Sankampaeng ware, 15th century, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Thai vase, post-Sukothai, Honolulu Museum of Art 6617.1
Thai vase, post-Sukothai period, 15th-16th century, glazed stoneware, Honolulu Museum of Art accession 6617.1
Thai pedestaled vessel, late Ban Chiang, 300 BCE - 20 CE, painted eart...
Thai pedestaled vessel, late Ban Chiang, 300 BCE - 20 CE, painted earthrnware, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Double-spout vessel, Santa Clara Pueblo, Honolulu Museum of Art, 4995....
Double-spout vessel, Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico, 20th century, hand-built, pit-fired and burnished ceramic, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 4995.1
Korean bowl, 15th century, punch'ong glazed stoneware with white slip,...
Korean bowl, 15th century, punch'ong glazed stoneware with white slip, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 2521.1
Glazed stoneware baluster jar from Thailand, Sankampaeng ware, 14th-15...
Glazed stoneware baluster jar from Thailand, Sankampaeng ware, 14th-15th century, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Joseon dynasty flask bottle, Honolulu Museum of Art 3482.1
Joseon dynasty flask bottle, late 15th century, stoneware with iron glaze, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 3482.1
Plum blossom vase (Maebyong), Goryeo dynasty, Honolulu Museum of Art 3...
Plum blossom vase (maebyong) from Korea, stoneware, Goryeo dynasty, 13th century, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 3464.1
Ewer from Japan, late 17th century, Honolulu Museum of Art 3532.1
Ewer from Japan, Edo period, late 17th century, porcelain with overglaze enamels, Honolulu Museum of Art accession 3532.1
Star tile from Iran, Ilkhanid period, Honolulu Museum of Art VI
Star tile from Iran, Ilkhanid period, late 13th or early 14th century, glazed stone-paste, underglaze-painted, overglaze-painted luster, Honolulu Museum of Art
Ironstone dish, 19th century, possibly English, Honolulu Museum of Art
Ironstone dish, 19th century, possibly English, Honolulu Museum of Art
WLA haa Forget-Me-Not Vase ca 1740
Forget-Me-Not Vase, ca. 1740 Meissen porcelain factory, established 1710 Meissen, Germany Hard-paste porcelain; overglaze enamel decoration, gilding, ormulu mounts Honolulu Museum of Art Gift of Mr. and Mrs. ... Еще
French soft-paste porcelain plate, c. 1755, Chantilly, Honolulu Museum...
French soft-paste porcelain plate, c. 1755, Chantilly, Honolulu Museum of Art
Ming dynasty bowl, early 15th century, porcelain, Honolulu Museum of A...
Ming dynasty bowl, early 15th century, porcelain with underglaze cobalt decoration, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 2874.1
Hair ornament from Ilongot in northern Luzon, Honolulu Museum of Art I
Hair ornament from Ilongot in northern Luzon, the Philippines, Honolulu Museum of Art
The Holy Trinity from the Philippines, 19th century, wood, gesso, poly...
The Holy Trinity, retablo from the Philipines, 19th century, wood, gesso, polychrome, Honolulu Museum of Art
Saint Peter from the Philippines, polychromed wood, Honolulu Museum of...
Saint Peter from the Philipines, 19th century, polychromed wood, Honolulu Museum of Art
WLA haa Head and Two Hands of Vishnu Thailand Si Thep style
Head and Two Hands of Vishnu Thailand, Si Thep style, 7th-8th century Sandstone Honolulu Academy of Arts Purchase, Selden Washington Bequest, 2003 (12,595.1)
Earthenware kendi, Java, Majapahit, 13th-15th century, Honolulu Museum...
Earthenware kendi, Java, Majapahit, 13th-15th century, Honolulu Museum of Art
Lidded ceremonial mortar, Batak Toba people, Honolulu Museum of Art
Lidded ceremonial mortar, Batak Toba people, Sumatra, Indonesia, 19th century, wood, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 10626.1a, b
Two spoons, Haida people, carved horn, Honolulu Museum of Art, 2951, 2...
Two spoons, 19th century, Haida people, carved horn, Honolulu Museum of Art, accessions 2951 and 2952
'Child with Lamp' by Pierre Bonnard, Honolulu Museum of Art
Child with Lamp by Pierre Bonnard, lithograph, c. 1898, Honolulu Museum of Art accession 12658
'Diligence and Maxim' by Mizuno Toshikata, 1902, Honolulu Museum of Ar...
日本語: 「勤学と処世」『文藝倶楽部』口絵、木版画 English: Diligence and Maxim, kuchi-e by Mizuno Toshikata, 1902, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 27217
'Negishi -Japan-, woodblock print by Charles W. Bartlett, 1916, Honolu...
Negishi [Japan], 1916,Charles W. Bartlett, 1916, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Charles W. Bartlett - Color woodblock print, Charles W. Bartlett. Amri...
Amritsar [India] Public domain scan of 1910s woodcut print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Round lidded box by Kawai Kanjirō, Honolulu Museum of Art
Round lidded box by Kawai Kanjirō (1890-1966), stoneware, Honolulu Museum of Art
Jan Anthonisz Van Ravesteyn - Portrait of David De Ruyter, 1639
Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Early 19th century watercolor on ivory portrait of Caroline Murat, Hon...
Portrait of Caroline Murat (?) Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
William Jennys - Mrs. Cooke - Public domain portrait painting
Portrait of Mrs. Joseph Platt Cooke (Sarah Benedict) Public domain photograph of 18th-century female portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Lionel Walden (1861-1933) - Marine View--Windward Hawaii, ca. 1920, 78...
Marine View--Windward Hawaii by Lionel Walden, c. 1920, Honolulu Museum of Art, accession 72.1
'Wailuku Falls' by Jules Tavernier, c. 1886, oil, Honolulu Museum of A...
Picryl description: Public domain photo of landscape art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
'United States Marines near Reading, Pennsylvania'
United States Marines near Reading, Pennsylvania, ink drawing by Arman Manookian, Honolulu Academy of Arts