Virginia illustrated - containing a visit to the Virginian Canaan, and the adventures of Porte Crayon and his cousins (1857) (14778685171)
Identifier: virginiaillustra00stro (find matches)
Title: Virginia illustrated : containing a visit to the Virginian Canaan, and the adventures of Porte Crayon and his cousins
Year: 1857 (1850s)
Authors: Strother, David Hunter, 1816-1888
Subjects: Randolph County (W. Va.) -- Description and travel Virginia -- Social life and customs
Publisher: New York : Harper & brothers
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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THE NURSERY. When aware ot my presence, the matron laid her child uponthe table, and, begging me to keep the bears from it, ran out tocall her husband. Presently he came in, and, when we liad ex-changed salutations, he seated himself, and addressed the cubs inthe following words: Ah! koom, guten fellers—ya—poor leetle Fritzee—koom zupapa—ya—ya—koom den. Whereupon the whelps scrambled out of the cradle, and hadan exciting climbing-match up the basket-makers legs. His hornythumb, as first prize, Avas seized by the winner; while Fritzee, asif to console himself for the loss of the race, made desperate effortsto obtain the honor of a kiss from his master. Then a pan of milk was set on the hearth, and the young bru-ins exhibited an example of greediness, compared Avith which the DIVERSION. 289
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DIVERSION. behavior of a pig at a trough would be considered deliberate andpolite. They leaped with their fore paws into the pan, and thrusttheir noses in the milk up to the eyes. When it was gone theyglued their lips to the bottom, and had to be forcibly draggedfrom the pan. They then seized their hairy paws, saturated withthe milk, and sucked them dry. After amusing myself for some time with the antics of these T ^ 290 PORTE CRAYON AND HIS COUSINS.
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