Долина в сторону Салтилло, от подножия "Дворцового холма" в Монтери (sic) (вид на юго-запад) / D.P. Whiting del., Capt. 7th Inf. ; on stone by C. Parsons; G. & W. Endicott lith., N.Y.
Publication date based on copyright statement on item.
Printed on lower right corner: [No. 3].
The plates in this series, as numbered, are in reverse chronological order.
Includes a key with numbers printed on the right, left, and bottom margins, and with corresponding descriptions printed below.
Library has three copies, two are color tints and one (the copyright deposit copy) is black & white.
Daniel Powers Whiting trained as a topographical artist at the U.S. Military Academy (West Point). He served in the 7th U.S. Infantry under General Zachary Taylor during the Mexican-American War. Whiting recorded the Army's advance from its station in Corpus Christi, Texas, and documented the capture of the Mexican city of Monterrey in 1846.
Forms part of: Popular graphic art print filing series (Library of Congress).
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