The science and art of midwifery (1897) (14576630019)
Identifier: scienidw00lusk (find matches)
Title: The science and art of midwifery
Year: 1897 (1890s)
Authors: Lusk, William Thompson, 1838-1897
Subjects: Obstetrics Women Pathology
Publisher: New York, D. Appleton
Contributing Library: Yale University, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Open Knowledge Commons and Yale University, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
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n cases of pelvic tumors, and the like. As free inter-communication exists between the vaginal plexus and the plexuses dis-tributed to the pudendum, the rectum, the bladder, and the uterus, adisturbance in the circulation of any one of these organs is necessarilyattended with some degree of circulatory disturbance in all the con-tiguous organs. The general relations of the external and internal organs of genera-tion are admirably given in Fig. <i, which we have borrowed fromBeigeLf It represents the complete generative system of a virgin(natural size). II. Tin: Uterus, Fallopian Tubes, and Ovaries. The Uterus.—The uterus in the virgin differs somewhat in shapeand size from thai of a woman who has home children. The follow- * The occasions) presence of glands in the vagina has been demonstrated byPreuschen. \/. ill. \ Bbioel, Die Krankheiten des weiblichen G-eschlechtes, Erlangen, 1S74, Bd. i.p. 28, Pig. 3. FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. II
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12 PHYSIOLOGICAL ANATOMY. ing description is intended to apply to the nulliparous uterus only: Inoutward form the uterus has been compared to an inverted, wide-necked flask. It is flattened antero-posteriorly. Its average length is in the neighborhood of two and a half indies, though its dimensionsvary to a very considerable extent. It is divided by a tolerably well-
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