Фото: rapeoflockheroic00euoft (найти совпадения) Название: Изнасилование замка: героико-комическая поэма в пяти кантонах Год: 1896 (1890-е) Авторы: Папа Римский, Александр, 1688-1744 Беарли, Обри, 1872-1898 Предметы: Издатель: Лондон: Leonard Smithers Просмотр страницы книги: Просмотр книги Об этой книге: Просмотреть все изображения: Все изображения из книги Нажмите здесь, чтобы просмотреть книгу онлайн, чтобы увидеть эту иллюстрацию в контексте в доступной для просмотра онлайн-версии этой книги.
Identifier: rapeoflockheroic00popeuoft (find matches)
Title: The rape of the lock : an heroi-comical poem in five cantos
Year: 1896 (1890s)
Authors: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744 Beardsley, Aubrey, 1872-1898
Publisher: London : Leonard Smithers
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ur reachd the dismal Dome, No cheerful Breeze this sullen Region knows, The dreaded East is all the Wind that blows. 20 Here in a Grotto, shelterd close from Air, And screend in Shades from Days detested Glare, She sighs for ever on her pensive Bed, Pain at her Side, and Megrim at her Head. Two Handmaids wait the Throne : Alike in Place, 25But diffring far in Figure and in Face.Here stood Ill-nature like an ancient Maid,Her wrinkled form in Black and White arrayd ;With store of Prayrs, for Mornings, Nights, and Noons,Her Hand is filld; her Bosom with Lampoons. 30 There Affectation with a sickly Mien,Shows in her Cheek the Roses of Eighteen,Practisd to Lisp, and hang the Head aside,Faints into Airs, and languishes with Pride;On the rich Quilt sinks with becoming Woe, 35 Wrapt in a Gown, for Sickness, and for Show.The Fair ones feel such Maladies as these.When each new Night-Dress gives a new Disease. A constant Vapour oer the Palace flies;Strange Phantoms rising as the Mists arise ; 40
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CANTO IV 25 Dreadful, as Hermits Dreams in haunted Shades, Or bright, as Visions of expiring Maids. Now glaring Fiends, and Snakes on rolling Spires, Pale Spectres, gaping Tombs, and Purple Fires : Now Lakes of liquid Gold, Elysian Scenes, 45 And Crystal Domes, and Angels in Machines. Unnumberd Throngs, on evry side are seen,Of Bodies changd to various forms by Spleen.Here living Teapots stand, one Arm held out.One bent; the Handle this, and that the Spout: 50 A Pipkin there like Homer s Tripod walks ;Here sighs a Jar, and there a Goose-pye talks ;Men prove with Child, as powrful Fancy works,And Maids turnd Bottels, call aloud for Corks. Safe past the Gnome through this fantastic Band, 55 A Branch of healing Spleenwort in his Hand.Then thus addrest the Powr—Hail wayward Queen ;Who rule the Sex to Fifty from Fifteen,Parent of Vapors and of Female Wit, Who give th Hysteric or Poetic Fit, 60 On various Tempers act by various ways.Make some take Physic, others scribble Plays;Who cause t
Aubrey Beardsley (1872–1898), he leading English illustrator of the 1890s and, after Oscar Wilde, the outstanding figure in the Aestheticism movement. Drawing was a strong interest from early childhood, and Beardsley practiced it while earning his living as a clerk. Beardsley’s meeting with the English artist Sir Edward Burne-Jones in 1891 prompted him to attend evening classes at the Westminster School of Art for a few months, his only professional instruction.
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