Национальная гвардия Пуэрто-Рико присоединилась к празднованию
Национальная гвардия Пуэрто-Рико присоединилась к празднованию Рождества в детской больнице Сан-Хорхе в Сантурсе, Пуэрто-Рико, 21 декабря, в соответствии с миссией больницы по обеспечению здоровья и благополучия наших детей. В мероприятии принимают участие телевизионные и спортивные деятели, певцы, а также любимые детские персонажи. (PRNG photos by: Spc. Хамиэль Иризарри / Released-PAO)
This image dataset is generated from the world's largest public domain image archive. Made in two steps (manually curated set, and following image recognition), it comprises of more than 100,000 images of military ceremonies from different countries and times. All media is in the public domain, so there is no limitation on the dataset usage - educational, scientific, or commercial. Please contact us if you need a dataset like this, we may already have it, or, we can make one for you, often in 24 hours or less.
Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas or Father Christmas, is a legendary figure who is said to bring gifts to children on Christmas Eve. The modern version of Santa Claus is based on a number of historical and cultural influences, including the Dutch legend of Sinterklaas, British and American Christmas traditions, and the Christian bishop Saint Nicholas. The figure of Santa Claus as we know him today - a jolly, plump man with a white beard, red suit, and black boots - was popularized in the 19th century through the work of various writers and artists, including Clement Clarke Moore and Thomas Nast. Today, Santa Claus is a beloved symbol of the holiday season, and continues to be a source of joy and excitement for children and adults alike.
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