The Journal of hygiene (1901) (14576918769)
Identifier: journalofhygiene01nutt (find matches)
Title: The Journal of hygiene
Year: 1901 (1900s)
Authors: Nuttall, George Henry Falkiner, 1862-1937
Subjects: Hygiene
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto
Text Appearing Before Image:
Houses Supplied 22Attacke;Attacked .Cases Three Distributors supplying 269 houses. 42 houses attacked.—One house in every 6-4. R T Distribution of Milk-carried Scarlet Feverin Clifton, 1901. PLATE VI,
Text Appearing After Image:
Houses 8lip;>lie<l 40AtUcked 7 Casts 11 85 Other Milk Distributors supplied 6022 houses.9 houses attacked.—One house in every 769. E Wilson .Canibrrdge. 390 G^^apMc Method in Milk-carried Scarlet Fever The immunity of W 4 street seemed at first remarkable, as it wason the supply from X chum, but as this street is invariably dealt withlast, and as the infection probably occurred upon a single occasion, allthe cases sickening within a few days, absolute exemption of W 4 streetwas quite likely to occur in the circumstance of the X supply runningshort on that particular da)^ which the distributor Z believes may havehappened on or about Saturday or Sunday, the 13th or 14th October. The W 1 round was amongst a different class of houses limited innumber, and admittedly supplied on occasion from B; whereas W 2 andW 3 streets got no chance of exemption from the X supply, andsuffered heavily. The other general rounds (Cj, Cg, C3) of this distributor in Cliftonwere as a matter of routine
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