The Holman new self-pronouncing Sunday-school teacher's Bible containing the Old and New Testaments- (1898) (14770988124)
Identifier: holmannewselfpro00phil (find matches)
Title: The Holman new self-pronouncing Sunday-school teacher's Bible containing the Old and New Testaments:
Year: 1898 (1890s)
Publisher: Philadelphia, A. J. Holman & Co
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress
Text Appearing Before Image:
: 26 2/ Ought not Christ to have suf-fered these things, and to enter intohis glory? 27 ^ And beginning at Mo§e§ and^all the prophets, he expoundedunto them in all the scriptures thethings concerning himself. 28 And they drew nigh unto thevillage, whither they went: and ^ hemade as though he would havegone further. 29 But ^ they constrained him, say-ing, Abide with us: for it is towardevening, and the day is far spent.And he went in to tarry with them. 30 And it came to pass, as he satat meat with them, ^ he took bread,and blessed it, and brake, and gaveto them. 31 And their eyes were opened,and they knew him; and he ^van-ished out of their sight. 32 And they said one to another,Did not our heart burn within us,while he talked with us by the way,and while he opened to us the scrip-tures ? 33 And they rose up the samehour, and returned to Je-rusa-lgm,and found the eleven gathered to-gether, and them that were withthem, 34 Saying, The Lord is risen indeed,and-^ hath appeared to Simon,
Text Appearing After Image:
•73 r- S a o / 73 h^ i~J •*-» j2 tfi c! c« .^H <U (n r^ t— V\ -*-> O o 5 s 1—< ^o o o O cq 73 o -i-l -i-* h—^ (/) -5- a; ■ • a, S ?2 g s •sX -ii ■^^ ^ a; s jj -*-» g T^ ~4J O ri 1-4 ^ ^ Ch a u SI E/5 > o ^ •4-1 Sb o 1— r- f— p^ ^ ■^^ X /-> w r- > oCO 3 ^ U^ CJ o o > *o -M Si <D o o 13 a c/5 13 •a -(-J V -*-*■ o aj o ;-( ..^ 4) ^ -M _K^ 3 rt u tT *-• <a T3 O t/3 3 O o a, 0) 3 rt -4-> j5 (J V > rt c 3 2J to o J) g -*J rt & O ^-1 1 •-. O rt 1—» — CJ ^ -u •*-* +-» OJ on0) > J-: >o H1 o O 5a, s Li 1 (D S-i ^ a CJ O ^ Vi * 1 t 2 O a; o 1-^ •4-> •4-> • n c 75 ca c -^ o ^ J Pm a, k^ P o »= » ^ CJ -t-> o CJ .—« -«J •4-> .Z hJ s r-«- h) ^^
AI Findings
The Holman New Self-Pronouncing Sunday-School Teachers' Bible
Philadelphia, USA
An advertisement for a Bible designed for Sunday school teachers, highlighting its features such as self-pronunciation and containing aids for teachers.
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