The groundwork of eugenics (1909) (14782974573)
Identifier: groundworkofeuge1909pear (find matches)
Title: The groundwork of eugenics
Year: 1909 (1900s)
Authors: Pearson, Karl, 1857-1936
Subjects: Eugenics
Publisher: London, Dulau and Co.
Contributing Library: Wellesley College Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Wellesley College Library
Text Appearing Before Image:
TIONAL lA U. EUGENICS LABORATORY LECTURE SERIES. ! The Groundwork ofEugenics i;v KARL PEARSON, F.R.S LONDONDLLAU AND CO., 37 SOHO SQUAR) W 1909 Pri,r One muUiiig nci UiNlVERSlTY OF LONDONThe Francii3 GaSton Eugenics Laboratory OLLEGE, GOWER STREET. W.C. Pearson, F.R.S., in consultation with Mr. FranciisX, F.R.S. Galton Research Fellow: David Heron.Galton Research Scholar: Ethel M. EldeiComputer: Amy Barrington. Natimml Eui^cnics is the study of agencies under socialcontrol, ilh! impair the racial qualil future generations^ cither physically .or mentally. ^ the intention of the Foundd»\ that the Laborator\ (i) as a storehouse of statistical material bearini; Ofi me mental and physical conditions in man, and the relation of these conditions to inheritance and environment: ^s a^ centre for the publication or other form of distribu- information concerning National Eugenics; (iii) as training and assisting research-workers in special pr,:b;L!r.:- Ill Ky jvided for those who are engag 5- b
Text Appearing After Image:
O a o nin The Groundwork of Eugenics BY KARL PEARSON, F.R.S. You ask whether I shall discuss man. I think I shall avoid the subject, asso surrounded with prejudices ; though I fully admit it is the highest and mostinteresting problem for the naturalist.—Letter of Darwin to Wallace, 1857 LONDON PUBLISHED BY DULAU AND CO. 37 SOHO SQUARE, W. 1909 Price One Shilling PREFATORY NOTE This paper gives the substance of two lectures deliveredas an introduction to a Course on the Science of NationalEugenics at the Galton Laboratory, February 23 and March2, 1909. It is published because the Staff of that Laboratory hasfound the need of some introduction to the science ofEugenics, which shall place the results of their investiga-tions in a simple form before the layman. The aim of thepresent series of publications is to state the conclusionsdrawn from laborious statistical investigations and theirbearing on national welfare in non-technical language suitedto the general reader. S?/ THE GROUNDWOR
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