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The Dental cosmos (1912) (14769056432)


The Dental cosmos (1912) (14769056432)



Identifier: dentalcosmos5419whit (find matches)
Title: The Dental cosmos
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Authors: White, J. D McQuillen, J. H. (John Hugh), 1826-1879 Ziegler, George Jacob, 1821-1895 White, James William, 1826-1891 Kirk, Edward C. (Edward Cameron), 1856-1933 Anthony, L. Pierce (Lovick Pierce), b. 1877
Subjects: Dentistry Dentistry
Publisher: Philadelphia, S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Co
Contributing Library: Yale University, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
Digitizing Sponsor: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia and the National Endowment for the Humanities

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n the den-tists mind as to the advisability of en-deavoring wholly to relieve the inflamedcondition about one tooth before treatingothers. In general, it may be said thatin cases where several teeth are affected,it is better to remove the greater part ofthe deposits on each of the teeth, thus SPIES. PYORRHEA, ITS CAUSE AND TREATMENT. 995 giving the patient general relief morequickly. When the general condition ofthe mouth shows improvement, the opera-tor may give each tooth that minute at-tention which successful treatment de-mands. This attention will be the moreeasily given because, wherever depositsremain, irritation of the gum tissues willbe visible. With improperly-angled instruments,both these unfortunate actions will beuncomfortably common. Having secured the proper instrumentsthe dentist will do well to give themproper care. The first step in this care isto keep them sharp. The cutting edgesshould be kept sharp by frequent atten-tion, rather than be neglected until no Fig. 17.
Text Appearing After Image:
Fig. 17 illustrates the same case as Fig. 16, showing buccal surface of lower left side. During the instrumentation, the great-est care should be exercised not to laceratethe soft tissues, not only out of considera-tion of the patients feelings but becauseeach laceration opens up new avenues ofinfection, and retards the process of re-pair. The instruments should be passedalongside the root and in contact with it,until the bottom of the pocket is reached.With an upward pull-out movement, thedeposits may be removed. During thisuse of the instruments, the importance ofproper angles between handles and bladesis made apparent. With proper anglesthe blades will lie alongside the root andplane off the deposits without gougingthe roots or lacerating the soft tissues. semblance of a cutting edge remains.This maintenance of sharp edges is thefirst requisite of humanitarian work. Italso rewards the operator by enablinghim to do more and better work in a givenlength of time. So distinctly worth w





The College of Physicians of Philadelphia and the National Endowment for the Humanities

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