The Creighton Chronicle (1917) (14579130730)
Identifier: creightonchronic8n4crei (find matches)
Title: The Creighton Chronicle
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Authors: Creighton University
Publisher: Creighton University
Contributing Library: Creighton University Archives
Digitizing Sponsor: Creighton University Archives
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RAYMOND G. YOUNG, LL. B. 1908,Elected President of the Omaha BarAssociation, January 13, 1917. a DO- <
Text Appearing After Image:
LAW SCHOOL TRAINING FOR LAWYERS 219 Mr. Taft, in his book on Popular Government (1913), pp.217, 218, answers the opponents of higher requirements in thefollowing language: 1 The argument is: Look at Abraham Lincoln. He neverhad education of any sort. He educated himself, and note hisgreatness both as a lawyer, a statesman and a man. Such anargument would do away not only with the necessity for edu-cation at the bar, but the necessity for schools or colleges ofany kind. The question is not whether exceptional men havemade themselves learned men, educated men and great lawyerswithout the use of schools, academies, colleges or law schools,but the question is by what means are we likely to produce thebest average members of the profession? By what means arewe most likely to make them skilled and able and useful in theoffice for which the profession is created? Again, on p. 221, he says: We get our judges from thebar, and we add to the education of our judges when they areon the bench by t
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