The Bee-keepers' review (1897) (20172758170)
Title: The Bee-keepers' review
Identifier: beekeepersreview101897nati (find matches)
Year: 1888 (1880s)
Authors: National Bee-keepers' Association
Subjects: Bee culture
Publisher: (Flint, Mich. : s. n.
Contributing Library: UMass Amherst Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: UMass Amherst Libraries
Text Appearing Before Image:
82 THE BEE-KEEPERS' REVIEW WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS, In Twelve Large "Voliiines, FOR ONLY SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. We offer to our patrons a Set of the Works of ( Iiarles Dickeii», in 'I'vvelve l^aiee and II..iifls<)nte Volumes, by uiail post-paid, tor only Seventy - tive tents! TLii3 Etreat otler eclipses any ever heretotoremaiie. Cliarlos Dickens n as the greatest nov- elist who ever liveil. No au- thor beiore or since his time has wen the tame that lie achieved, and his works are even more popular to-day than di'.rins his lifetime. They abound in wit, humor, patlios. easterly delineation of character, vivid descrip- tions of places and incients, thrilling and skillfully wrought piots. Each book is intensely interesting. No homo should be without a set of these great and remarkable work;-. Not to have read them is tn bo lar behind the age in which we live. The set of Dickens' works whicli we ofl'er as a pieniium to subscribers is handsomely printed frnm new ple.tcs, with new type. The tvelve volumes contain the following world-famous works, each one of which IS publi;!:ed complrtr, un- cliaii:;.1VI1> fOP- pii>, i»»Au- TIN t'HT ZZT.EWIT, NICfSOF.AS Nit KI-EBY, nO)>FBEY AI\I» SO\, BI,E.VK iiousp:. i.rm.E ookksst, ava i>iutuai., Kitii.Nu, »*»<^i^^'^iiii^^P;^t^*:"?' JlAIi\.\BY ISUDfJK ANO lA!>» S'I' tJKKAT KXI'IMT.VTIOXS, TIIK OI.D flTItlOSITY SIBOP AMH THK l\\t/»M. MEICtlAI> rKWIOI-KJS, \ OF TWO flTlES, HViel> TII»IE> A1NI» THK MYSTKRY <)F i:i»\VI.\ liKOOi). Bear in mind that we oiler, not a single volume, but the entire set of ttveliv vnliiiii'S, a- aiii.v;i, by mail post-paid, for only Seventy-five t'<-nt«. JT'i? prepati all pnstane This is the grandest otler e\\ir made. Up to this time the price of a set of J)ickens' works has u-'ually been'^'."..UO or more." The use of modern improved printing, folding and stitching machinery, tli" present ex- tremely low price of white paper, and the grsiit competition in the book trade, are the tactors w icli make this wonderful offer possible. Tell all your frieuds that they can get a set of Dickens' works in twcivo volumes tor only seventy-live cents. Qrkor^icil Pr^^Knii jiti Offor* I will Rend the set of Dlokcn's Works, JjpeCiai premium Uner. ^^ ,^^^^^ described by mail postpaid, als., ti.e Review for one year, upon receipt of $1.60, which is only 60 ctB. in addition to my regular snb- scription price, so that you practically Kot a complete set of Dicken,8 woras for only 60 cte. The book offers made in the Dec, Jan. and Feb. Nos. of the Review are still open. W. Z. HUTCHINSON. Flint, Mich.
Text Appearing After Image:
FREE A copy of Successful Bee-Keeping, ^. o Z. Hntchiiison. € C and our 1897 catalog for a 2-ct. stamp, or a copy of tiie catalog for the ai^king. \\e make C Our almost everything used by bi e-keepers, and sell at lowest prices. Falcon Polished Sections warranted superior to all other.s. t) can just as well have the BEST- sucii as wo make Dou't buy cheaply and roughly made goods when you €• C (; THE AMERICAN BEE-KEEPER is a 50-ct, -W-page monthly now in its 7th © I year. Sample free, .\ddre8s W". T. FALCONER Mfg. COm Jamestown, N. Y. ^
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