Sunshine and shadow in New York. By Matthew Hale Smith. (Burleigh.) (1869) (14763753584)
Identifier: sunshineshadowin00smit (find matches)
Title: Sunshine and shadow in New York. By Matthew Hale Smith. (Burleigh.) ..
Year: 1869 (1860s)
Authors: Smith, Matthew Hale, 1810-1879
Subjects: New York (N.Y.) -- Description and travel New York (N.Y.) -- Social conditions
Publisher: Hartford, J. B. Burr and company
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
Text Appearing Before Image:
deck of the vessel, but saw nothing particular tointerest him, and went again on the dock. Just as hewas preparing to leave, he saw a man coming towardsthe vessel. Before the aj)proaching man had comenear enough to the officer to be spoken to, the detec-tive had taken an inventory of him. There was nothingabout him suspicious but his hands. He had on a pairof new gloves quite too large. The way in which he 164 Sunshine and Shadow held his hands showed that something was the matterwith them. His face indicated agony. The fatal glovesfound near the body of the murdered man in the parkwere in the pocket of the detective. He felt certainthat the approaching stranger had something to dowith the murder. He was at once arrested, his glovesremoved, his gory hands laid bare, and the cut was foundto correspond with that in the gloves. The imprison-ment, trial, and punishment are well known. As apart of the great governing power of the land, thedetective isystem is powerful, efirective;i silent.
Text Appearing After Image:
In New York. 165 XVII.THE TOMBS ON SUNDAY MORNING. HOW THE PRISON LOOKS.—INSIDE VIEW. — THE COUKT-ROOM.—THE JUDGEON THE BENCH. — DIVINE SERVICE. HOW THE PRISON LOOKS. The City Prison is located on Centre Street. It oc-cupies an entire square. It is a low building, lookingnot unlike the Bank of England. The portion of theprison which appears to the eye of the passer-by isreally the prison wall. The interior is a quadrangle,filled with cells, several stories high. There are threeprisons, one for men, one for women, and one for boys.In the yard directly in front of the matrons apartmentis the site on which the gallows stands when criminalsare hung. The prison is of white granite, built in theEgyptian style of architecture, and hence its name —The Tombs. It was built under a resolution of the Com-mon Council, passed in 1835, when an appropriation wasmade of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. It isthe smallest city prison in America, and wholly inade-quate to the necessities
AI Findings
Sunshine and Shadow in New York
New York City, USA
A depiction of a bustling street scene in New York City, showcasing the contrast between sunlight and shadow.
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