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Senator Matthew H. Carpenter, Wisconsin (1)


Senator Matthew H. Carpenter, Wisconsin (1)



Senator Matthew H. Carpenter, Wisconsin
Identifier: civilwarechoesch00inhowa (find matches)
Title: Civil War echoes : character sketches and state secrets
Year: 1907 (1900s)
Authors: Howard, Hamilton Gay Campbell, V. Floyd, d. 1906, ill
Subjects: Statesmen
Publisher: Washington, D.C. : Howard Pub. Co.
Contributing Library: Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection
Digitizing Sponsor: The Institute of Museum and Library Services through an Indiana State Library LSTA Grant

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sidingin my home city, whom I had taken the liberty to invite asa companion-du-voyage. We arrived at that hotel on June2d, dressed in the height of fashion and wearing high silkhats. After reaching our room our first act was, of course, towash. Pouring out the water into the bowl, its color andtexture appalled me. I rang up the bell boy and, showinghim the yellow, dirty liquid, asked him if that was the verybest the hotel could do in the way of water for a gentlemanto wash his face in. His reply was that it was de werrybest—that all de watah was jest like dat—that pussons likes itcause it was so—sawft! I at once surrendered to theinevitable. I have no recollection, however, of seeing mycompanion use any water for any purpose while in St.Louis. He was exceedingly fastidious, as will appearfurther on in this narrative. The following day our excursion party was mustered,and on its roll-call appeared the names of gentlemen whowere then quite prominent and who since have attained 237
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U. S. SENATOR MATTHEW H. CARPENTER, WISCONSIN Sketches and State Secret national reputations. For the purposes of these pages,however, the names of a few will suffice. Hon. C. H. VanWyck, M. C, from New York, afterward a senator fromNebraska, to which state he removed; also a brother of his,an Episcopalian minister; Hon. A. H. Lafiin, M. C, ofNew York, and Hon. J. L. Thomas, M. C, of Maryland;Mr. C. C. Beaman, Jr., clerk of Senator Sumners Com-mittee on Foreign Relations, afterward law partner ofWilliam M. Evarts, and Mr. George Abell, son of the pro-prietor of the Baltimore Sun. Quite a number of invitedladies also accompanied us on the train, which bore usrapidly to the end of the track at Fort Harker. Thelarger portion of the guests returned east from this point,but some fifteen or more, including the above-named, ac-cepted a cordial invitation extended by maj. gen. w.s. HANCOCK, u. s. A., to accompany an expedition he wasabout to make to Denver, distant some four hundred milesover





Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection

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civil war echoes character sketches and state secrets 1907
гражданская война перекликается с эскизами персонажей и государственными секретами 1907 г.
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