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Pictures in language work (1896) (14577515770)


Pictures in language work (1896) (14577515770)



Identifier: picturesinlangua00weav (find matches)
Title: Pictures in language work
Year: 1896 (1890s)
Authors: Weaver, E. W. (from old catalog)
Subjects: English language
Publisher: Syracuse, N.Y., C. W. Bardeen
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation

Text Appearing Before Image:
ight long. Then he will dream of what he has donefor his mother. Then when it is morning, he will go out andwork till night again. I think if all girls and boys would do asJoe does, there would be less trouble in the world. No school exercise has for its special aim the cul-tivation of the imaginative powers of the child.They may be exercised in the study of geographyand history; but it is only incidentally. Thesepicture-lessons may be arranged so that they maybecome excellent means to this end. A picture represents one of a series of actions orevents. The child in writing a story from a picturemakes an effort in imagination to reproduce thewhole series leading up to and following what isdepicted in the illustration. He is performing thesame operations which the scientist perforins whenhe restores the extinct animal from a fossil bone;or the archaeologist who restores a buried buildingfrom the broken ruins. CHAPTER VI ADVANCED WORK I assigned the following picture to a class which had
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• ADVANCED WORK 41 been trained considerably in this kind of work.They were expected to select their own subjects anddo their own writing. Among the compositions I found some with thefollowing suggestive yet widely different subjects : The German Student. Evils of Smoking. Why the Dog Follows him. Cruelty to Animals. How Big he Feels ! The Dog-Trainer off Duty. In the higher grades the culture of the imagina-tion by means of picture-lessons may be carried onstill farther. The dullest boy could write a compo-sition about the picture on the following page, andalmost any girl would want to say something aboutwhat it suggested to her. Advanced pupils should not have so much assist-ance as those in lower grades. The picture following was given to a High SchoolClass and the exercises showed that many of thepupils gave the subject no little study. It may beconsidered a model subject for such an exercise.It is suggestive and yet leaves nearly every detailto be filled out by the pupil. Pictu





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