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Official New York, from Cleveland to Hughes (1911) (14782214255)


Official New York, from Cleveland to Hughes (1911) (14782214255)



Identifier: officialnewyorkf04fitc (find matches)
Title: Official New York, from Cleveland to Hughes
Year: 1911 (1910s)
Authors: Fitch, Charles E. (Charles Elliott), 1835-1918
Subjects: New York (State) -- Politics and government 1865-1950 New York (State) -- Biography New York (State) -- History, Local
Publisher: New York and Buffalo, Hurd publishing co
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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so humble a place and beneath so unpretentious astone. At New Rochelle the Huguenot Society hasestablished its permanent headquarters in the homeowned and occupied by Thomas Paine, and given to himby the government of the United States, upon the recom-mendation of President Washington, for services renderedthe infant Republic during the Revolutionary War. Inthe building the books, furniture and personal effects ofPaine are to be found, also the household articles, records,papers, data and a miscellaneous collection of widelydifferent souvenirs, which illustrate the status of therefugees from La Rochelle in France who settled in thiscounty at New Rochelle soon after the edict of Nantes.In one of the rooms is concentrated the famous DariusSeacord collection of Indian implements found within thecounty and the most complete group ever assembled in thissection of the State. In all parts of the county public bodies are steadilymarking with suitable and permanent memorials historic 264 ;r. I
Text Appearing After Image:
OFFICIAL NEW YORK FROM CLEVELAND TO HUGHES sites, thereby emphasizing the important associations inconnection with the heroic epoch of our nation and thepart assumed by our loyal and patriotic sons. The last thirty years have been the most wonderfulin point of material development and progress in thehistory of the county. Railway building has been exten-sive, followed by unusual growth in population and realestate values. Trolley lines traverse the southern half ofthe county east and west, north and south, intersecting aregion unsurpassed for suburban residence, combining theconveniences of the city with the freedom and healthful-ness of the country. There is frequent trolley service intoNew York city by way of Bronx borough and the four maintrunk lines of the New York, New Haven & Hartford,New York Central, Harlem division, the New YorkCentral, Hudson division, and the New York, Westchester& Boston Railway, all electrically propelled, give analmost perfect system of transport


AI Findings

Official New York from Cleveland to Hughes, 1911

New York, USA

A group portrait of prominent New York state officials, including governors and other political figures, taken in 1911.





New York Public Library

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official new york from cleveland to hughes 1911
Официальный Нью-Йорк от Кливленда до Хьюза, 1911 год.
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