Самый большой мировой архив общественного достояния
No-nb bldsa q3e001 - Norway. Public domain image


No-nb bldsa q3e001 - Norway. Public domain image



Norsk bokmål: En russisk skute ved innseglingen til havnen (Signert fotografi med blyant påtegning).
English: A Russian vessel at the approach to the harbor (Signed photo with pencil signature).
Deutsch: Ein russisches Segelschiff bei der Einfahrt in den Hafen. (Signierte Fotografie mit Bleistift Vermerk).
Español: Un barco ruso a la entrada del puerto (fotografía firmada con nota en lápiz).
Nederlands: Een Russisch schip nadert de haven. Met potlood gesigneerde foto.
Depicted place: Finnmark, Hammerfest

Fridtjof Nansen was a Norwegian explorer, scientist, diplomat, and humanitarian. He is best known for his expeditions to the Arctic and his work on behalf of refugees during and after World War I. The Nansen Photographs tells the story of the Norwegian Arctic explorer and his ground-breaking effort to reach the North Pole in the specially-designed polar ship Fram and his later life as a diplomat. Nansen was born in 1861 and studied zoology at the University of Christiania (now called the University of Oslo). He made several expeditions to the Arctic, including a journey across Greenland on skis in 1888 and an expedition to explore the Arctic Ocean in 1893-1896. Nansen also made significant contributions to the fields of oceanography and meteorology and was a pioneer in the study of the Earth's magnetic field. Some of his most notable achievements include: Arctic exploration: Nansen made several expeditions to the Arctic, including a journey across Greenland on skis in 1888 and an expedition to explore the Arctic Ocean in 1893-1896. His expeditions helped to advance the field of polar exploration and contributed to our understanding of the Arctic environment and the people who live there. Science and research: Nansen made significant contributions to the fields of oceanography and meteorology and was a pioneer in the study of the Earth's magnetic field. He also conducted research on the biology and behavior of marine animals, including the study of whale migration patterns. Diplomacy and humanitarian work: Nansen served as a Norwegian delegate to various international conferences and negotiations, and was appointed as the League of Nations' first High Commissioner for Refugees in 1922. In this role, he worked on behalf of refugees and displaced persons following World War I, and he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1922 for his efforts to improve the situation of refugees and displaced persons. Later in his life, Nansen worked as a diplomat and was appointed as the League of Nations' first High Commissioner for Refugees in 1922. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1922 for his work on behalf of refugees and displaced persons. One of Nansen's main responsibilities as High Commissioner was to work with the Soviet Union to facilitate the return of prisoners of war and civilians who had been held in Russia during the war. Nansen met with Bolshevik leaders, including Vladimir Lenin, in an effort to negotiate the release of these prisoners and facilitate their return to their home countries. In addition to his work on behalf of refugees, Nansen also engaged in diplomatic efforts to improve relations between the Soviet Union and the international community. He met with Bolshevik leaders on several occasions to discuss issues of mutual concern and worked to promote cooperation and understanding between the Soviet Union and other nations. Nansen died in 1930, but his legacy as an explorer, scientist, and humanitarian continues to be recognized and celebrated around the world.



1890 - 1920





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