Mexican and Central American antiquities, calendar systems, and history; (1904) (14782199704)
Identifier: mexicancentralam28bowd (find matches)
Title: Mexican and Central American antiquities, calendar systems, and history;
Year: 1904 (1900s)
Authors: Bowditch, Charles P(ickering), 1842- (from old catalog) ed Seler, Eduard, 1849-1922 Förstemann, Ernst Wilhelm, 1822-1906 Schellhas, Paul, 1859- (from old catalog) Sapper, Karl Theodor, 1866- (from old catalog) Dieseldorff, Erwin P. (from old catalog) Wesselhoeft, Selma, (from old catalog) tr Parker, Alberta M., (from old catalog) tr Jay I. Kislak Reference Collection (Library of Congress) DLC
Subjects: Maya calendar Calendar
Publisher: Washington, Gov't print. off.
Contributing Library: Internet Archive
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive
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selek) MEXICAN PICTURE WRITINGS FRAGMENTS III, IV 185 zaca-tl, grass , teo-tl, god , and the final syllable tla or tlan,which has the significance of a locative. Oceotl, jaguar , is a verycommon proper name. The last picture in the series is again a house with a stone roof;but the place hieroglyph, which must have been there originally, ismissing. A personage is drawn in front of the house, whose name isgiven above by the representation of a stone knife (tecpatl). Here,too, there is a note, but it is almost illegible. The place name, in particular, can not be deciphered. I read: Nica mazap lc yn toca . The notes, few words as they contain, are remarkable on account oftheir dialect form. In classic Aztec, nican means here ; tococol,our ancestor; ocelotl, the jaguar. The writer who added thenotes on our fragment III (plate viii) drops the final nasal after theshort a in nican, and writes nica and nicah. And thus yahuayohcaand zacateotlah probably stand for yauayocan and zacateotlan. Aft
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