Li'l' gal (1904) (14780009741) - Public domain book illustration
Identifier: lilgal1904dunb (find matches)
Title: Li'l' gal
Year: 1904 (1900s)
Authors: Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906 Miner, Leigh Richmond, 1864-1935 Armstrong, Margaret
Subjects: American poetry Dialect poetry Pictorial bindings
Publisher: New York : Dodd, Mead and Co.
Contributing Library: University of Connecticut Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Connecticut Libraries
Text Appearing Before Image:
Text Appearing After Image:
An some ebenin me an Towsah Gwine to come an mek a call,We jes drap in onexpected Fu to shek yo han, dat s all.Oh, I knows dat you 11 be tickled. Seems lak I kin see you smile.So puhaps I mought pusuade you Fu to visit us a while.
AI Findings
Lil Gal, 1904
Unspecified, Unspecified
A portrait of a young girl, likely taken in 1904.
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