Профессор политологии ЛШЭ (особое упоминание о российских исследованиях с 1962 года), правительственный департамент "Профессор Леонард Шапиро родился в еврейской семье в Глазго, вырос в России и сделал различные карьеры в Лондоне... После окончания Университетского колледжа в Лондоне Леонард начал юридическую карьеру и вскоре был принят в адвокатуру.
LSE Professor of Political Science (special reference to Russian Studies from 1962), Government Department
"Professor Leonard Schapiro was born into a Jewish family in Glasgow, grew up in Russia, and made various careers in London...After graduating from University College, London, Leonard embarked on a legal career and was soon called to the Bar. During the war his fluent knowledge of Russian (and several other languages) was put to use first in the BBC Monitoring Service, then at the War Office on the General Staff. This stimulus encouraged the scholar in him to undertake, alongside his Bar practice, a careful study of how exactly the Soviet regime, in its early years, outmanoeuvred and defeated its opponents. The first result was the widely acclaimed 'Origin of the Communist Autocracy.' The second was an approach from, among others, William Robson and Michael Oakshott, who had been wanting to strengthen the Government Department by adding a specialist on Soviet politics. Now, in 1955, they succeeded in persuading Leonard to abandon the Bar and come to LSE. Here he took at once to teaching, played a big part in courses on comparative as well as Russian politics, and was rapidly promoted...' Peter Reddaway, LSE Magazine, June 1975, No:49, p.13
: http://archives.lse.ac.uk/dserve.exe?dsqServer=lib-4.lse.ac.uk&dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqCmd=Show.tcl&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqPos=0&dsqSearch=(RefNo='IMAGELIBRARY/617')
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