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Erotic photography - Kolliner – Ilse Bachmann


Erotic photography - Kolliner – Ilse Bachmann



Deutsch: Die Filmschauspielerin Ilse Bachmann, Berlin
English: The screen actress Ilse Bachmann, Berlin

Erotic photography dates back to the early days of photography in the 19th century. There were a number of photographers who specialized in producing erotic images in the 19th century, including Félicien Rops, Édouard-Henri Avril, and Alphonse Eugène Lumière. These photographers often used allegorical or symbolic imagery to depict sexual themes, as overt displays of sexuality were not socially acceptable at the time. Félicien Rops was a Belgian artist who produced a number of highly stylized and provocative images featuring women in various states of undress. These images were popular with collectors and were widely exhibited in galleries and salons. Édouard-Henri Avril was a French photographer who produced a series of highly stylized and erotic images featuring women in various states of undress. These images were popular with collectors and were widely exhibited in galleries and salons. Alphonse Eugène Lumière was a French photographer who produced a number of erotic photographs, many of which featured his wife, Bibi, as the model. Lumière's photographs were known for their playful and lighthearted approach to sexuality and were widely exhibited in galleries and salons. In the 1920s, Adolfo Camarillo, a Mexican photographer, produced a series of highly stylized and provocative images featuring women in various states of undress. These images were popular with collectors and were widely exhibited in galleries and salons. Jacques-Henri Lartigue was a French photographer who produced a number of erotic photographs, many of which featured his wife, Bibi, as the model. Lartigue's photographs were known for their playful and lighthearted approach to sexuality and were widely exhibited in galleries and salons. Alfred Stieglitz is also known for his photographs of nudes. Stieglitz's photographs of nudes are notable for their honesty and their ability to capture the beauty and complexity of the human form. It is not uncommon for image recognition software to make errors or have difficulty accurately identifying the subjects of a photograph. We are doing our best to remove false-positive results, but some of the images in this collection may not be "erotic photographs" but they sure look as such to AI vision algorithms.


AI Findings

Ilse Bachmann Kolliner

Portrait of Ilse Bachmann Kolliner, Austrian writer and journalist.



1870 - 1930


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