Pier Leone Ghezzi - Giovanni Battista Piranesi - Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Public domain image, 17th-18th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Pier Leone Ghezzi was born in Rome in 1674. He came from a family of artists and his father was a well-known painter. Ghezzi studied under his father and also trained at the Accademia di San Luca in Rome. Ghezzi was known for his Rococo paintings, which were characterised by their playful and ornate designs. He often painted scenes of everyday life, such as street vendors and musicians, as well as portraits of prominent figures of the time. One of Ghezzi's most famous works is his series of caricatures, which he created in the early 18th century. These caricatures depicted famous people of the time, such as politicians, actors and musicians, in a humorous and exaggerated style. Ghezzi was also an accomplished draughtsman and produced many drawings and sketches throughout his career. His drawings often served as studies for his paintings and are highly sought after by collectors. Ghezzi died in Rome in 1755, leaving a legacy as one of the most influential Rococo painters of his time. His works can be found in museums and private collections around the world.
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