Грузинские дома на Арди-стрит, Дублин, от Корк-стрит
Another Walker image with its faded colour and lashings of rain to WET the appetite! Lots of posters on display but not the kind of information that might help with a date. What is that church-like building on the right? I note that this shot, like yesterdays, leans to the left! Was Mr. Walker a closet socialist?..Whether left-leaning or not, Mr. Walker seems to have had an uncanny (or perhaps informed) ability to capture these streetscapes before they changed. As pointed-out by several contributors today, this entire streetscape (including the street itself) ( https://www.google.ie/maps/@53.3384881,-6.2795324,3a,90y,51.53h,97.13t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipMoHgRTFyVJCLJ98AjhWG0FKXzvbkTOMzOzi1CA!2e10!3e11!7i13312!8i6656 ) was reworked in the years after this photo. The only building surviving is the Georgian fronted house which takes centre stage. Number 10 Ardee Street was seemingly defended by the volunteers during the Rising ( http://www.buildingsofireland.ie/niah/search.jsp?type=record&county=DU®no=50080666 ) . While surviving that period of history, its surrounds didn't 'survive' the redevelopment of the city's more dilapidated sections in he mid/late-20th century.......Photographer: Michael S. Walker..Collection: Michael S. Walker ( http://http://catalogue.nli.ie/Collection/vtls000314227 ) ..Date: Possibly c.1970s..NLI Ref.: NPA WALK105A ( vtls000269885 ) ..You can also view this image, and many thousands of others, on the NLI’s catalogue at catalogue.nli.ie ( http://catalogue.nli.ie )
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