Cook-karakakoa-bay - Drawing. Public domain image.
“A View of Karakakooa [today’s Kealakekua], Owhyee”: site of Captain Cook’s death. From the atlas volume.
Karakakooa Bay is situated on the West side of the island of Owhyhee, in a district called Akona. It is about a mile in depth, and bounded by two low points of land, at the distance of half a league, and bearing South South East and North North West from each other. On the North point, which is flat and barren, stands the village of Kowrowa; and in the bottom of the bay, near a grove of cocoa-nut trees, there is another village of a more considerable size, called Kakooa: between them runs a high rocky cliff, inaccessible from the sea shore. . . . The shore, all round the bay, is covered with a black coral rock, which makes the landing very dangerous in rough weather; except at the village of Kakooa, where there is a fine sandy beach, with a Morai, or burying-place, at one extremity, and a small well of fresh water, at the other. This bay appearing to Captain Cook a proper place to refit the ships, and lay in an additional supply of water and provisions, we moored on the North side, about a quarter of a mile from the shore. . . . [vol. 3, pp. 1–2]
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