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Christian Cynosure (1897) (14775068134)


Christian Cynosure (1897) (14775068134)



Identifier: christiancynosurv30gaul (find matches)
Title: Christian Cynosure
Year: 1897 (1890s)
Authors: Gault, W.A.
Subjects: Secret societies - Religious aspects - Christianity.
Publisher: Chicago, IL: National Christian Association
Contributing Library: Buswell Memorial Library, Wheaton College (IL)
Digitizing Sponsor: CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois

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ent, by Rev. J. E.Roy, D. D., Western Secretary of American Mis-sionary Association; Christian Politics, byReT. J. Blanchard, late Editor of Christian Cyno-stire; The Mysterious Machine: Was it Lawn-mower, Town-pump, Balloon, Wheel-barrow,—orwhat.? by Prof. E. D. Bailey, of the Civil ServiceDept. U. S. Government. Are Secret Societies a BSessang? A pamphlet of 20 pages. 5c. An address by Rev. B. Carradine, D. D., pasto?:of the Centenary M. E. church, St. Louis, Mo..Jan. 4, 1891. W, McCoy writes: That sermonought to be in the hands of every preacher in thisland, and every citizens, too. Between Two Opinions: or theQuestion of the Hour. 389 pages; cloth,postpaid, 75 cents. By Miss E. E. Flagg, author of Little People, A Sunny Life, etc., etc. Everyone who lovesto read a good story, chaste and elegant in ex-pression, pure in thought, interesting in narrative,should read this book upon tbe power o^ secret•vocieties in Dolitics. ar d the remedy. September, 1897. CHRISTIAN CYNOSURE. 155
Text Appearing After Image:
MASONIC CHART. ILLUSTRATING THE RELATION OF SOME OF THE DEGREES AND RITES INFREEMASONRY TO EACH OTHER.The accompanying chart represents one hundred and forty two degrees. I. The American Rite of 13 degrees; 2. The Scotch Rite of 33 degrees; 3. The Egyptian Rite of 96 degrees. 4. The Mystic Shrine of one degree. 5. The Eastern Star of 5 degrees for Master Masons and for women. These are side degrees, and notgenuine masonry. The Symbolic degrees, or Blue Lodge of three degrees, are common to every Masonic rite, whetherAmerican. Scotch, or Egyptian, or whichever of the Masonic rites, named in Mackeys Masonic Encyclo-pedia one may clioose to investigate. This chart shows in the Blue Lodge the position of the Worshipful Master and some of the other offi-cers of the lodge. Several positions of the ca didate who is being initiated are also shown. In the MasterMasons degree is rfrognized the murder, buriai ai.l resurrection scene so fu!! of religious signifi. nee toFreemasons. 156 CHRISTIAN C





CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois

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