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Bull run to Bull run; or, Four years in the army of northern Virginia. Containing a detailed account of the career and adventures of the Baylor Light Horse, Company B., Twelfth Virginia Cavalry, C. S. (14759527471)


Bull run to Bull run; or, Four years in the army of northern Virginia. Containing a detailed account of the career and adventures of the Baylor Light Horse, Company B., Twelfth Virginia Cavalry, C. S. (14759527471)



Identifier: bullruntobullrun02bayl (find matches)
Title: Bull run to Bull run; or, Four years in the army of northern Virginia. Containing a detailed account of the career and adventures of the Baylor Light Horse, Company B., Twelfth Virginia Cavalry, C. S. A., with leaves from my scrap-book
Year: 1900 (1900s)
Authors: Baylor, George, b. 1843
Subjects: Virginia cavalry. 12th regiment, 1862-1865 United States -- History Civil War, 1861-1865 Regimental histories Virginia Cavalry 12th Company B
Publisher: Richmond, B. F. Johnson Publishing Company
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation

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neglect duty,before acceptance. I was greatly obliged to you for the saddle of Stoughton.I wish you w-ould send me whatever evidence you may beable to furnish of Miss Fords innocence of the charge ofhaving guided you in your exploit at Fairfax, so that I caninsist upon unconditional release. Be vigilant about your owai safety, and do not have anyestablished headquarters anywhere but in the saddle. I hope Mrs. Mosby reached you in safety. My regards toher, if still with you. Your praise is on every lip, and thecompliment the President has paid you is as marked as it isdeserved. Very truly yours, J. E. B. Stuart. The name Mosbys Regulars did not long adhere tothe command, but was soon supplanted by friend and foewith that more descriptive and more popular name, MosbysMen. Stuarts advice was taken and the men were chosenby Mosby after satisfactory trial, and were principally youngunmarried men. They had no tents, or baggage, or commis-sary wagons, but had homes within Mosbys Confederacy,
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Moses Trussell. J20 Bull Run to Bull Run. which comprised the comities of Fauquier and Loudoun, andused these homes, as the foxes do their dens, as places ofabode in hours of safety, and to be avoided in hours of danger.The command met by appointment or summons, and wentoff on forays into the enemys camps, and, returning, dividedthe spoils and dispersed among their abodes: Then sweet the hour that brings release From danger and from toil,We talk the battle over And share the battle spoil;Ihe woodland rings with laugh and shout. As if a hunt were up.And woodland flowers are gathered To crown the soldiers cup,With merry songs we mock the wind That in the tree-top grieves.And slumber long and sweetly On beds of oaken leaves. When not on duty the men enjoyed various diversions—horse-races, card-parties, and dances principally. The bellesof Virginia were abundant and beaux were plentiful. Thedanger that surrounded them gave zest and piquai.cy to theirsports and frolics. There was not an





Library of Congress

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bull run to bull run or four years in the army of northern virginia 1900
Bull Run to Bull Run или четыре года в армии Северной Вирджинии 1900
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