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Boys and birds; or, Miss Truat's mission (1874) (14769585913)


Boys and birds; or, Miss Truat's mission (1874) (14769585913)



Identifier: boysbirdsormisst00dyer (find matches)
Title: Boys and birds; or, Miss Truat's mission
Year: 1874 (1870s)
Authors: Dyer, Sidney, 1814-1898. (from old catalog)
Subjects: Birds
Publisher: Philadelphia, The Bible and publication society
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress

Text Appearing Before Image:
I give them my bene-diction for the space which they thus snatch fromthe dreariness of winter. The soft cry of puritywhich this bird utters as its prevailing song notes ismost indicative of its character, for I know of nofault which has ever been laid to its charge. It iswholly insectivorous, and so amiable in dispositionthat it will be driven from its nesting-place by thepugnacious little wren rather than contend for itsrights. The pair of blue-birds generally select fortheir nursery some deserted woodpeckers hole, hollowlimb, or stump; but if you put up a house suitablefor their accommodation, possession is taken at once,and they become permanent tenants, as though theyunderstood your kind intentions. I have at thistime four families thus domesticated in one house,which has been occupied for several years in this BOYS AND BIRDS. 227 way. Bo numerous had the tenants become that onefamily was compelled to look out for other quarters,and has actually taken possession of a hitching-post
Text Appearing After Image:
I -is. at tl which happens to be hollow. Here they hav and have become BO tame and confiden- tial that die mother bird remain- quietly on the nest 228 BOYS AND BIRDS. however much the post may be used for its legiti-mate purpose, and both birds will pass in and outwhen persons are standing close by. Familiarized from my childhood to the companyof numerous pets, I well remember with what plea-sure I used to retire to a shady nook near my fathershouse and spend long, happy hours with my rabbitsand tame birds, and was especially delighted when Ihad so won the confidence of a pair of blue-birdsthat they would hop familiarly around me, and evenalight on my head or book and feed from my hand.(Fig. 37.) The eggs of the blue-bird are four in numberand colored like the lighter blue shades of the bird. But see yonder; Jim has found something, andis striving to attract our attention. Approaching the simpleton, who stood peeringinto a thick bramble that was twining around anold decayed tree, he p





Library of Congress

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boys and birds or miss truats mission 1874
Мальчики и птички или Миссия мисс Труэтс 1874
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