Фото: bookofroyalblue24balt (найти совпадения) Название: Книга Королевского голубого Год: 1897 (1890-е) Авторы: железнодорожная компания Балтимора и Огайо.
Identifier: bookofroyalblue24balt (find matches)
Title: Book of the Royal blue
Year: 1897 (1890s)
Authors: Baltimore and Ohio railroad company. (from old catalog)
Subjects: Middle Atlantic States -- Description and travel
Publisher: Baltimore
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
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PlioUi liy James H. Hare, ColliFLYING STEADILY OVER THE FIELD AT FOIIT MYER Weekly will it be cooler and more pleasant for thecrowds who would undoubtedly come herethan August, but Congress would then be insession, and the winds and general weatherconditions would be better. So far as the suggestion of holding themeet here under military control is con-cerned, I doubt whether that would be en-tirely feasible or desirable. In the first placeit will be a civilian and not a Government affair. We would, however, co-operatewith the managers of the meet in every waypossible, and, if desired, would station a de-tachment of men at the field to aid in thecontrol of the crowds. The College Park site, judging fromwhat I have seen of it, could easily be madeadequate for such a meet as is proposed.The trees that fringe the field and whichwill not interfere with our tests could be cut
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Photo by James H. Hare, CollierWILBUR WRIGHT TIMING HIS BROTHER ORVILLEs FLIGHT AT FORT MYER Weekly NATIONAL AVIATION FIELD, COLLEGE PARK, MD. down if it were thought necessary and thecleared country could thus be greatly en-larged. In my opinion, however, the trees willmake but little difFerence, as by the time themeet is held, such progress will be madethat you will find the aviators flying straightfrom College Park to Baltimore and alight-ing in one of your parks there. Lieutenant Sweet, who has been desig-nated as the official observer for aeronautics,and who in this capacity will be present atthe College Park flights, was even moreenthusiastic over the movement to have theinternational meet held there. From a patriotic standpoint, as well asfor other reasons, he said, the next meetshould undoubtedly be held close to Wash-ington. I do not think other cities in the countryshould ask for this first meet, but shouldrecognize the desirability of holding it closeto the national capital
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