Bird lore (1907) (14569172417) - Public domain zoological illustration
Identifier: birdlore91907nati (find matches)
Title: Bird lore
Year: 1899 (1890s)
Authors: National Committee of the Audubon Societies of America National Association of Audubon Societies for the Protection of Wild Birds and Animals National Audubon Society
Subjects: Birds Birds Ornithology
Publisher: New York City : Macmillan Co.
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library
Text Appearing Before Image:
17; Royal, figured,284, 305; 317; Sooty, 307; figured, 328, 329- Texas, 358. Thrasher, Brown, figured, 2io;24i. Thrush, Bicknells, 109; Gray-cheeked,figured, facing 103; 103, 121; Hermit,figured, facing 103; 103, 123; Olive-backed, figured, facing 103; 103; nestfigured, 120, 122; Varied, figured, facing147; 166; Wilsons, 33; figured, facing32; 103; Wood, 32; figured, facing 32,161; 103. Townsends Along the Labrador Coast,reviewed, 221; Birds of Labrador,reviewed, 220. Tropic Bird, 245. Vermont, 17, 204, 214.Vermont Bird Club, Bulletin No. 2, re-viewed, 272, 359.Virginia, 316. Warbler, Blackburnian, 216; Black-throat-ed Blue, 129. Washington, 359. Willet, 318. Wilson Bulletin, The, reviewed, 222. Wisconsin, 30, 128, 360. Wolcotts Biological Conditions in Ne-braska, reviewed, 176. Woodruffs The Birds of the ChicagoArea, reviewed, 86. Wren, House, 198, 201; figured, 198, 199,200. Wrights Bird-Craft, reviewed, 86. SEVENTH CHRISTMAS BIRD CENSUS JANUARY—FEBRUARY, 1907 20c. a CopySI a Year
Text Appearing After Image:
jiirli-lDre January-February, 1907 CONTENTS GENERAL ARTICLES ^^^^* Frontispiece — Bust of Audubon John James Audubon C. Hart Merriam . 3 Monument Erected to Audubon in Trinity Cemetery, New York City. Illustration . 5 Florida Bird Notes. Illustrated T. Gilbert Pearson . 6 Bluebird Tenants. Illustrated Marian E. Hubbard . 11 A Bruebird Home. Illustration F. E. Howe 15 Seventh Christ.mas Bird Census 16 Wood AND Wilsons Thrushes. Colored plate Louis Agassiz Fuertes^ 32 The Migration of Thrushes. First Paper W. W. Cooke . 32 Oology as a Science i-- A. Lucas . 35 The Amount of Science in Oology . • .6 Saw-whet Owl. Illustration A. W. Honeywill. 37 Bird-Lores Advisory Council 3^ Omitted to make space for theChristmas Bird Census NOTES FROM FIELD AND STUDY BOOK NEWS AND REVIEWS EDITORIALS 4° AUDUBON SOCIETIES —SCHOOL DEPARTMENT 41 Editorial; Audubon School League; Outlines of Map and Bluebirds; Bird-Lore asa Text-Book; No pes from Young Observers. EDUCATIONAL LEAFLET NO. 24. The
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