Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, A II 12, f. 26v – Nycolaus de Lyra, Postilla super Actus apostolorum, super Apocalypsim et super septem epistolas canonicas
Postil on the Acts of the Apostles, on the Apocalypse, and on the canonical letters, written in 1405-1407 by the Freiburg priest Rüdiger Schopf, decorated with 14 half-page, partly colored pen and ink drawings.
Deutsch: Postille zu den Apostelakten, zur Apokalypse und den kanonischen Briefen, geschrieben 1405-1407 vom Freiburger Priester Rüdiger Schopf, ausgestattet mit 14 halbseitigen, zum Teil kolorierten Federzeichnungen.
Français : Annotations sur les Actes des Apôtres, l’Apocalypse et les lettres canoniques. Écrit en 1405-1407 par le prêtre fribourgeois Rüdiger Schopf, décoré de 14 dessins à la plume en partie colorés et qui occupent la moitié de la page, le manuscrit fait partie d’une copie, constituée de plusieurs volumes et richement illustrée, du commentaire de la Bible de Nicolas de Lyre Postilla super totam Bibliam, que le prêtre séculier Rüdiger Schopf de Memmingen a réalisée, entre 1392 et 1415, pour la chartreuse de Fribourg-en-Brisgau.
Italiano: Postille agli Atti degli Apostoli, all'Apocalisse e alle lettere canoniche, scritto nel 1405-1407 dal prete di Friburgo Rüdiger Schopf, decorato da 14 disegni a penna che si estendono su metà della pagina in parte colorati. Il manoscritto è parte di un'opera in vari volumi, riccamente illustrata, contenente il commento alla Bibbia di Niccolò di Lira Postilla super totam Bibliam che il prete secolare Rüdiger Schopf di Memmingen realizzò negli anni dal 1392 al 1415 per la certosa di Friburgo.
Nicholas of Lyra (also known as Nicholas de Lyra) was a 13th-century French biblical commentator and theologian. He was one of the most influential biblical exegetes of the Middle Ages, known for his comprehensive and straightforward commentary on the Bible. He was particularly noted for his focus on the literal meaning of the text and his efforts to reconcile apparent contradictions in the scriptural narrative. He is considered a pioneer of the modern historical-critical approach to biblical interpretation.
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