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примечание: usf34batch5
Копия фильма на рулоне SIS 3, кадр 297. Танцы на площади в Клейвилле, Род-Айленд, в субботу вечером Название и другая информация из карточки подписи. Передача; Соединенные Штаты. Управление военной информации. Отдел зарубежной фотографии. Вашингтонский дивизион;
Jack Delano (August 1, 1914 – August 12, 1997) was an American photographer, cinematographer, composer, and director. He is best known for his work with the Farm Security Administration (FSA) during the Great Depression, where he captured the struggles of rural Americans and their way of life in photographs that have become iconic images of the era. Delano was born in Kiev, Ukraine, and emigrated to the United States in 1923. He studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and later worked for the FSA and Office of War Information during World War II, where he documented the war effort and daily life on the home front. After the war, Delano continued to work as a photographer and filmmaker, composed music, and directed documentaries.
AI Findings
At a Saturday Night Square Dance in Clayville, Rhode Island
Clayville, USA
A black and white photograph depicting a lively square dance in Clayville, Rhode Island. People are dressed in casual attire, dancing in a large hall.
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