Around the clock in Europe; a travel-sequence (1912) (14756839326)
Identifier: aroundclockineur00howerich (find matches)
Title: Around the clock in Europe; a travel-sequence
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Authors: Howell, Charles Fish, b. 1868
Subjects: Europe -- Description and travel
Publisher: Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin Company
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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pssomething of the foreign conviction that she is notalways to be taken quite seriously. To the vast majority of visitors Paris by night meansthe boulevards. The beauty of these famed thorough-fares, the cosmopolitan and fascinating sea of humanitythat flows through them, the means of amusement thatabound, and all the many little refinements of comfortand elegance to be seen on every hand place them in aclass by themselves among the city streets of the world.In the matter of virility the life of the boulevards isamazing. Every one seems to be at his keenest when hewalks there. Anticipation is fairly skipping on tiptoe.The old boulevardier, the traditional flaneur, has notbeen disappointed of his evenings diverting on-lookthese forty years or more, and he can, therefore, clothedand gloved and caned a la modey proceed with hisstroll in unhasting dignity, confident that the usualamusing spectacle will unfold itself in good time. Butthe new arrivals and the visitors of a few weeks show in
Text Appearing After Image:
Q> O« H o PARIS 335 their eager faces that nothing is going to escape themand that a thorough debauch of pleasure is the least theypropose to make out of all the bewildering light and lifeabout them. From the Place de la Concorde to the Placede la Republique a laughing, brilliant, light-heartedmultitude pours along all night with infinite bustle andchatter. Between twelve and one oclock it is at itsgayest. The theatres and cafes-concerts have emptiedtheir audiences into the stream, which is swollen to thevery curb, and the driveways are whirling with an enor-mous outpouring of busses, motors, and cabs. The sizeof the loads the hired victorias and fiacres will accom-modate is determined solely by the inclination and inter-est of the impertinent fat cocker in the varnished plughat; and it is nothing to see a conveyance, that ordinarilycarries but two people, trundling merrily along behind asprung-kneed nag, with a man and several girls piled in-side and all waving hands to the crowd
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