An investigation of hooped concrete columns (1914) (14591005927)
Identifier: investigationofh00thom (find matches)
Title: An investigation of hooped concrete columns
Year: 1914 (1910s)
Authors: Thomas, Howard Rice
Subjects: Columns, Concrete Theses
Contributing Library: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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CONTENTS I• Introduction Page 1. Preliminary 1-2 2. Scope ; 2 3. Acknowledgment 2 4. Theory, Formulas, etc 2-5 II* Materials, Specimens, Apparatus, etc. 1. Materials and Properties 7-9 2. Specimens 9-10 3. Forms , 11-12 4. Fabrication 12-13 5. Storage 13-14 6. Handling of Specimens 14 7. Preparation 14-16 8. Testing 16 III. Experimental Data and Discussion. 1. Notation 16 2. Explanation of Tables 16-19 3. Explanation of Curves 19-20 4. Explanation of Drawings and Photographs... 20 5. Phenomena of Tests 20-26 6. Analysis of Data 26-36 7. Conclusions. 36-38 IV. Curves. Thntorrp phs. Tablea and Py&wiftgR • !• Curves 40-199 2,. Photographs 00-211
Text Appearing After Image:
CONTENTS (Concl.) Page 3. Tables 213-219 4. Drawings 221-249 LIS, OF CURVES Curve Showing Hate of Dropping Off of Load 27A Average Curves for 5-ft. Columns 30A-30C Curve Showing Effect of Length 35A Curve Thowing delation Between Ultimate Ftrength and the Amount of Spiral 35B Stress-Deformation Curves for Steel in Spirals 40 -43 Load-Deformation Curves for Cylinders 44 -47 load—Deformation Curves for all Cage Lines 48-152 Distribution Curves 153-179 Average Curves 180-199 LIST OF rilOTOOFAPKS Fig. 1. Column 8001, East aide 200 Fig. 2. Column 8901b, South side 201 Fig. 3. Column 8901,IIorth side 202.. Fig. 4. Column 8908 after test 203 Fig. 5. Column 8913 after test 2C4 Fig. 6. Column 8916 after test 205 Fig. 7. Column 8922 at ultimate load 206 Fig. 8. Column 8928, north side 207
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