Aedes Althorpianae, or, An account of the mansion, books, and pictures of Althorp - the residence of George John Earl Spencer to which is added a supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana (1822) (14592882030)
Identifier: aedesalthorpiana00dibd (find matches)
Title: Aedes Althorpianae, or, An account of the mansion, books, and pictures of Althorp : the residence of George John Earl Spencer to which is added a supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana
Year: 1822 (1820s)
Authors: Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 1776-1847
Publisher: London : W. Nicol
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive
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ncredible value. Memoirs, vol. i. p. 480. Again,at p. 539, Evelyn describes an entertainment given to the Am-bassador of Morocco at the Dutchesse of Portsmouths glo-rious apartments at ^Aliitehall. In the company, he describesLady Lichfield and Sussex, the Duchess of Portsmouth, Nelly,&c. concubines, and cattell of that sort, as splendid as Jewellsand excess of bravery could make them. The foreigners tookeleave with this compliment, that God would blesse the Duchesseof Portsmouth and y Prince her Sonn, meaning the little Dukeof Richmond ; p. 539. This took place in 1682. These apartments (says Evelyn) had been pulled down andrebuilt three times to please the Duchess: but in 1691 weredestroyed by fire, which consumed other lodgings of such lewdcreatures, who debauched both King Clia. 2, and others, andwere his destruction. Granger says (apparently upon the au-thority of Voltaires Steele de Louis XIV.) that her beauty,which was not of the most delicate kind, seemed to be very little
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kvy..^-.v.7. Tmw .HIESS ©F 2 MO^Tm. ■.r>)-_jl Tiiintin^ bj^Sir Piler I-e)v.,liery at Altliorp. I.iulcn, rut/uhat rord,t.KirfrEDibdui,18ZC. THE PICTURE GALLERY. 24© impaired at seventy years of age.* Charles, on his death-bed,particularly recommended her and her son to the protection ofhis successor. She herself died as late as the year 1734, in theeighty-ninth of her age. To return to the portrait; of which sobeautifully an engraved copy embellishes these pages. TheDuchess is dressed in an oi-ange-coloured gown. The mantle islight blue. Her right hand holds a sprig, or some leaves, whichare offered to a lamb—here obliged to be omitted for want ofroom. The colouring and expression of the face are perfect;and, on the whole, this fine original picture merits every thingsaid of the painter by Walpole, in his Works, vol. iii. p. 27. Theback-ground is among the happiest specimens of the master;and the back-grounds of Lely appear occasionally to have beensuccessfully imitated by Sir
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