Abraham Lincoln and constitutional government (1921) (14598232649)
Identifier: abrahamlincolnco02ulri (find matches)
Title: Abraham Lincoln and constitutional government
Year: 1921 (1920s)
Authors: Ulrich, Bartow A. (Bartow Adolphus), 1840- Wood, Erwin Elisha, 1848- (from old catalog) comp
Subjects: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 Constitutions Political science
Publisher: (Chicago) Chicago legal news
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
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g land over allthe earth. You ask what has been done with the great navies and armiesof the differenl belligerenl nations of the earth? These have beencollected and turned over to the central congress of nations to beused if necessary to maintain obedience to its decrees. No individualnation or race is in possession of a great navy or army to overrunanother race or nation and take its territory by force. The youngmen instead of devoting their energies to preparation for futurewarfare arc engaged in commerce, agriculture, manufacturing, orprofessional pursuits. They Beek recreation and physical exerciseby participating in athletic Bports, They gain proficiency in handlingpleasure-boats and aerial craft of all kinds, instead of building forwar and preparing for human slaughter. Instead of armed Zeppelinsand aeroplanes bringing tenor to those on earth they afford agree-able occupation and are made useful in various ways. ■ Mr. Bernard Shaw recently stated that: The redistribution of 96
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CASTLE OF STOLZENFELS1859 AFTER SIXTY YEARS income really lies at the bottom of the balance of power. If incomeshad been better distributed than it has, if it had been, say, for thelast twenty years better distributed in Germany, in France, in Russia,in Servia, there would not be this bankruptcy of civilization goingon at the present time. This applies also to the United States as well as to the Europeanstates. The Government should aid in the distribution instead inthe concentration of wealth, as it has been doing. Instead of givingas in the past, vast tracts of land to corporations, or permittingthem to be bought and kept perpetually unoccupied by non-residentsor uncultivated, it should have divided and distributed these landsamong actual settlers and even loaned them money to assist incultivating land and this should apply to soldiers with additionalhelp. AFTER SIXTY YEARS. Vive la Republique des Etats Unis de lAmerique.1859 We ascended the battlements of Stolzenfels, on the eve of
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