A guide to the third and fourth Egyptian rooms - predynastic antiquites, mummied birds and animals, portrait statues, figures of gods, tools, implements and weapons, scarabs, amulets, jewellery, and (14748914304)
Identifier: guidetothirdfour00brit (find matches)
Title: A guide to the third and fourth Egyptian rooms : predynastic antiquites, mummied birds and animals, portrait statues, figures of gods, tools, implements and weapons, scarabs, amulets, jewellery, and other objects connected with the funeral rites of the ancient Egyptians
Year: 1904 (1900s)
Authors: British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities Budge, E. A. Wallis (Ernest Alfred Wallis), Sir, 1857-1934 Hall, H. R. (Harry Reginald), 1873-1930
Subjects: British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities Funeral rites and ceremonies -- Egypt Egypt -- Antiquities Catalogs
Publisher: (London) : Printed by order of the Trustees
Contributing Library: New York University, Institute of Fine Arts Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
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(6: THIRD EGYPTIAN ROOM—WALL-CASE 124. No. \22 headed.No. (2 No. (21. Bronze seated figure of Amen-Ra. (No. 11,003.) Bronze seated figure of Amen-Ra, ram- (No. 11,233.) Bronze shrine containing a seated figure ofAmcn-Ra. This object was a votive offering made byShabataka, a king of Kgypt of the XXVth dynasty, aboutb.c. 650. (No. 11,013.) No. 124. Wooden plaque inscribed with figures of Amen-Ra, king of the gods, and Ptah, the begetter ofthe gods; between them is the cartouche of Seti II. Mer-en-Ptah Co j g j () I) => 1, a king of Egypt, B.C. 1300. (No. 38.)No. 125. Bronze seatedfigure of Amen-Heru-pa-khart(Amen-Harpocrates). (No. 34,937-)No. 126. Bronze seatedfigure of Mut. (No. 58.) No. 127. Bronze standingfigure of Mut. (No. 11,022.) Nos. 128, 129. Two porce-lain figures of the goddess Mutin the character of Isis sucklingHorus. (Nos. 11,158, I3.5I9-) No. 130. Bronze figure ofKhonsu, hawk-headed. (No. 87.) No. 131. Gold figure ofKhonsu, with lunar crescent anddisk. (No. 86.) Nos
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