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127 of '(Hand Book to the Geology of Weymouth and the Island of Portland. With notes on the natural history of the coast and neighbourhood ... Accompanied by a map of the district ... and numerous other illustrations.)' (11091827634)


127 of '(Hand Book to the Geology of Weymouth and the Island of Portland. With notes on the natural history of the coast and neighbourhood ... Accompanied by a map of the district ... and numerous other illustrations.)' (11091827634)



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Title: "[Hand Book to the Geology of Weymouth and the Island of Portland. With notes on the natural history of the coast and neighbourhood ... Accompanied by a map of the district ... and numerous other illustrations.]"
Author: DAMON, Robert.
Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 7108.aaa.6."
Page: 127
Place of Publishing: Weymouth
Date of Publishing: 1884
Publisher: R. F. Damon
Edition: [Another edition.] Geology of Weymouth, Portland, and Coast of Dorsetshire, from Swanage to Bridport-on-the Sea: with natural history and archaeological notes ... New and enlarged edition.
Issuance: monographic
Identifier: 000857621
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Image taken from page 127 of '[Hand Book to the Geology of Weymouth and the Island of Portland. With notes on the natural history of the coast and neighbourhood ... Accompanied by a map of the district ... and numerous other illustrations.]'

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Public Domain, from the British Library's collections, 2013

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