Вид из окна E [leanor], смотрящий на север / фотография E [leanor Butl...
Page from scrapbook showing photograph of sunset with palm tree in the foreground and bay with islands and clouds, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Illus. in: Scrapbooks documenting the families of Theodore Roosevelt... Еще
Carcassone - A black and white photo of a castle
Page from scrapbook showing a photograph of the walls and towers of the medieval walled-city of Carcassone, France. Illus. in: Scrapbooks documenting the families of Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., and Eleanor Butler... Еще
[Dining room at Sagamore Hill]. 19th century, Library of Congress coll...
Изображение in vol. 3, p. 49, bottom right. В ролях: Скрапбуки, документирующие семьи Джорджа Русевски-младшего и Элеоноры Батлер Александра Русевски.
Большой снег в Старом Орчарде / картина Элеоноры Б.
Page from scrapbook showing a snow covered landscape photographed through french doors. Illus. in: Scrapbooks documenting the families of Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., and Eleanor Butler Alexander Roosevelt, vol. 2... Еще
T&E в униформе 1918 года Вальтер Скотт Шинн 1936
Photograph shows Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. and his wife, Eleanor Butler Alexander, standing, facing front, wearing their World War I uniforms. Illus. in: Scrapbooks documenting the families of Theodore Roosevelt... Еще
E [leanor] wearing Y.M.C. униформа, которую она разработала
Photograph shows Eleanor Butler Roosevelt in the 1930s, wearing the YMCA uniform she designed during World War I. A similar photo but with her husband is in LOT 13455, v. 14, p. 9 with the caption "T & E dresse... Еще
[5 фотографий человека, Бальзака, на лавочке в доме Джорджа Русевски-м...
На фотографии изображен Константино Бальзака (1897-1966), который был управляющим имением Русеф-младшего (источник: исследователь М. Болакка, 2018) Mounted in album, v. 18, p. [66]. В ролях: Скрапбуки, документ... Еще