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Естественные науки. Иконографическая энциклопедия научной литературы и искусства 1851 года

Естественные науки. Иконографическая энциклопедия научной литературы и...

Сокровищница из почти 12 тысяч подробных гравюр, "Энциклопедия искусства" - это чудо коллекции, собранной из миров науки, истории, географии, мифологии, искусства, архитектуры и так далее. Полностью реферирован... Еще

Естественные науки. Иконографическая энциклопедия научной литературы и искусства 1851 года

Естественные науки. Иконографическая энциклопедия научной литературы и...

Сокровищница из почти 12 тысяч подробных гравюр, "Энциклопедия искусства" - это чудо коллекции, собранной из миров науки, истории, географии, мифологии, искусства, архитектуры и так далее. Полностью реферирован... Еще

Asters (Boston Public Library) - Public domain botanical illustration

Asters (Boston Public Library) - Public domain botanical illustration

Астерс (Бостонская публичная библиотека)

Маурандия (Бостонская публичная библиотека)

Маурандия (Бостонская публичная библиотека)

  Имя файла: 07 _ 11 _ 0043 Название: Maurandia Создатель / соавтор: Лунзер, Озил (художник); Л. Пранг и Ко (издатель) Дата выпуска: Дата рождения: 1885 год Описательная записка: Жанр: Хромолитографы; Натюрморт... Еще

Имя файла: 07 _ 11 _ 001000
Название: Philadelphus Lilies, Daisies, etc. Создатель / соавтор: Hardy, Annie Eliza, 1839-1934 (художник); L. Prang & Co. (издатель)
Дата издания: 1861-1897 (приблизительная)
Описательная записка:
Жанр: Хромолитографы; Натюрморты
Примечания: Заголовок предоставлен каталогом.

Имя файла: 07 _ 11 _ 001000 Название: Philadelphus Lilies, Daisies, et...

Локация: Бостонская публичная библиотека, отдел печати Права: нет известных ограничений Данные за 2011-08-06: Камера: Sinar AG Sinarback 54 FW, Sinar m Мбаппе: Озил Лицензия: CC BY 2.0 Мбаппе: "Бостонская пуб... Еще

Имя файла: 07 _ 11 _ 001038
Название: Розы и черные ягоды
Создатель / соавтор: Шмидт, Огюст (художник); Л. Пранг и Ко (издатель)
Дата издания: 1861-1897 (приблизительная)
Описательная записка:
Жанр: Хромолитографы; Натюрморты
Локация: Бостонская публичная библиотека, отдел печати
Права: нет известных ограничений

Данные за 2011-08-05:

Камера: Sinar AG Sinarback 54 FW, Sinar m
Лицензия: CC BY 2.0
Мбаппе: "Бостонская публичная библиотека"
Имя файла: 07 _ 11 _ 0077
Название: Фиалки и папоротники
Создатель / соавтор: Whitelock, Louise Clarkson, 1865-1928 (художник); L. Prang & Co. (издатель)
Дата издания: 1861-1897 (приблизительная)
Описательная записка:
Жанр: Хромолитографы; Натюрморты
Примечания: Заголовок предоставлен каталогом.

  Имя файла: 07 _ 11 _ 0077 Название: Фиалки и папоротники Создатель /...

Локация: Бостонская публичная библиотека, отдел печати Права: нет известных ограничений Данные за 2011-08-07: Камера: Sinar AG Sinarback 54 FW, Sinar m Лицензия: CC BY 2.0 Мбаппе: "Бостонская публичная библио... Еще

44b Теплицы и задний фасад ботанического дома

44b Теплицы и задний фасад ботанического дома

Русский: Теплицы и задний фасад ботанического дома Public domain scan of 19th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Annie L. Prat (16498333697) - Public domain botanical illustration

Annie L. Prat (16498333697) - Public domain botanical illustration

Покраска различных фасолей, Энни Л. Прат (1861 - 1960). Замечания по идентификации см. на странице для обсуждения.

StateLibQld 1 137811 George Street, Brisbane, ca. 1920 год

StateLibQld 1 137811 George Street, Brisbane, ca. 1920 год

Джордж-стрит, Брисбен, прим. 1920 год. Поул К. Поулсен, основатель студии Poulsen в Брисбене, родился в Дании в 1857 году и прибыл в Сидней в 1876 году. В 1882 году он переехал в Квинсленд, а позже к нему присо... Еще

Adolphe Millot fleurs C - Public domain botanical illustration

Adolphe Millot fleurs C - Public domain botanical illustration

Adolphe Millot flower illustration for [stream/nouveaularoussei04laro#page/n7/mode/2up Nouveau Larousse illustré]

Adolphe Millot fruits B - Public domain botanical illustration

Adolphe Millot fruits B - Public domain botanical illustration

Adolphe Millot illustrations of fruits for [stream/nouveaularoussei04laro#page/n7/mode/2up Nouveau Larousse illustré]

Henry Fletcher - Furber Twelve Months of Flowers - March

Henry Fletcher - Furber Twelve Months of Flowers - March

Twelve Months of Flowers Public domain scan of drawing, 18th century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Название: Confessional
Фото: conservation151909 (найти совпадения)
Год: 1908-1909 (1900-е)
Авторы: Американская ассоциация форстри
Предметы: Forestry и forestry
Издатель: Washington, D. C.: American Forestry Association
Сопутствующая библиотека: Нью-Йоркский ботанический сад, библиотека Лютера Т. Мерца
Оцифровка Sponsor: The LuEsther T Mertz Library, the New York Botanical Garden

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Название: Confessional Фото: conservation151909 (найти совпадения) Г...

Title: Conservation Identifier: conservation151909amer (find matches) Year: 1908-1909 (1900s) Authors: American Forestry Association Subjects: Forests and forestry Publisher: Washington, D. C. : American Fore... Еще

Название экспедиции: Стэнли Филд Экспедиция в Британскую Антарктиду
В ролях: Брор Э. Дегрен и Джон Р. Миллар
Дата экспедиции: 1922 год
Цель или предназначение: Ботаника. Основой для реконструкции или воспроизводства растений послужат 235 лиственных форм, 427 хозяйственных образцов, 52 ветви деревьев Cannonball, Clusia, Mucro, Cashew, Dfia, Festraemia, Willow Fig, Cida, Chocolate.
Локация: Парамарибо, Гайана, Южная Америка
Цифровая подпись: CSB43610

Подробнее о работе Полевого музея можно прочитать на сайте http: / / www.fieldum.org / research _ museum / library / library _ sites / photo _ archives / defau.m. Сцена на рынке. Женщины и мужчины.

Название экспедиции: Стэнли Филд Экспедиция в Британскую Антарктиду В ...

1922 год. (42903465) Сцена на рынке. Женщины и мужчины. 1922 год. Обеспечение ботанического выставочного материала и исследований для репродукций растений в отделе ботаники.

Вернувшись с Джорджтаунского рынка (4290353599)

Вернувшись с Джорджтаунского рынка (4290353599)

Название экспедиции: Стэнли Филд Экспедиция в Британскую Антарктиду В ролях: Брор Э. Дегрен и Джон Р. Миллар Дата экспедиции: 1922 год Цель или предназначение: Ботаника. Основой для реконструкции или воспроизво... Еще

Etude de la plante - p.177 fig.229 - Lis martagon

Etude de la plante - p.177 fig.229 - Lis martagon

Français : Lis martagon Latina: Lilium martagon L., 1753 Public domain photograph of 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Etude de la plante - p.33 fig.28 - Anémone sylvie

Etude de la plante - p.33 fig.28 - Anémone sylvie

Français : Anémone sylvie, Anémone des bois Latina: Anemone nemorosa L., 1753

Etude de la plante - p.73 fig.86 - Bryone dioïque, fleurs

Etude de la plante - p.73 fig.86 - Bryone dioïque, fleurs

Français : Bryone dioïque, fleurs femelle et mâle Latina: Bryonia dioica Jacq., 1774

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 06 - Public domain botanical illustration

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 06 - Public domain botanical illustration

Deutsch: Illustration aus dem Karlsruher Tulpenbuch. Aquarell auf Papier. Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe Cod. KS Nische C 13.

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 24 - Public domain botanical illustration

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 24 - Public domain botanical illustration

Deutsch: Illustration aus dem Karlsruher Tulpenbuch. Aquarell auf Papier. Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe Cod. KS Nische C 13.

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 44 - Public domain botanical illustration

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 44 - Public domain botanical illustration

Deutsch: Illustration aus dem Karlsruher Tulpenbuch. Aquarell auf Papier. Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe Cod. KS Nische C 13.

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 45 - Public domain botanical illustration

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 45 - Public domain botanical illustration

Deutsch: Illustration aus dem Karlsruher Tulpenbuch. Aquarell auf Papier. Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe Cod. KS Nische C 13.

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 48 - Public domain botanical illustration

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 48 - Public domain botanical illustration

Deutsch: Illustration aus dem Karlsruher Tulpenbuch. Aquarell auf Papier. Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe Cod. KS Nische C 13.

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 58 - Public domain botanical illustration

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 58 - Public domain botanical illustration

Deutsch: Illustration aus dem Karlsruher Tulpenbuch. Aquarell auf Papier. Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe Cod. KS Nische C 13.

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 61 - Public domain botanical illustration

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 61 - Public domain botanical illustration

Deutsch: Illustration aus dem Karlsruher Tulpenbuch. Aquarell auf Papier. Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe Cod. KS Nische C 13.

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 67 - Public domain botanical illustration

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 67 - Public domain botanical illustration

Deutsch: Illustration aus dem Karlsruher Tulpenbuch. Aquarell auf Papier. Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe Cod. KS Nische C 13.

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 71b - Public domain botanical illustration

Karlsruher Tulpenbuch 71b - Public domain botanical illustration

Deutsch: Illustration aus dem Karlsruher Tulpenbuch. Aquarell auf Papier. Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe Cod. KS Nische C 13.

No 11 Hong Kong Public Gardens by Lai Afong

No 11 Hong Kong Public Gardens by Lai Afong

Hong Kong Public Gardens Public domain image of 19th century China, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Naturgeschichte des Pflanzenreichs, Eßlingen 1870 - Tafel 048

Naturgeschichte des Pflanzenreichs, Eßlingen 1870 - Tafel 048

Naturgeschichte des Pflanzenreichs, Mit 601 Abbildungen auf 53 Tafeln. Zeichnungen sowie Lithografien von Jakob Friedrich Schreiber (* 1809 in Ulm; † 1868) war der Gründer des bekannten Kinderbuchverlages J. ... Еще

Clevelandart 1949.186 - Public domain botanical illustration

Clevelandart 1949.186 - Public domain botanical illustration

Public domain image related to botany, botanical artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Afbeelding-030-Liriodendron tulipifera

Afbeelding-030-Liriodendron tulipifera

Liriodendron tulipifera Image by Abraham Jacobus Wendel, from the Dutch language book Flora: afbeeldingen en beschrijvingen van boomen, heesters, éénjarige planten, enz. voorkomende in de Nederlandsche tuinen b... Еще

Afbeelding-040-Primula cortusoides

Afbeelding-040-Primula cortusoides

Image by Abraham Jacobus Wendel, from the Dutch language book Flora: afbeeldingen en beschrijvingen van boomen, heesters, éénjarige planten, enz. voorkomende in de Nederlandsche tuinen by H. Witte and A. J. Wen... Еще

17th annual catalogue (1899) (20363219248)

17th annual catalogue (1899) (20363219248)

17th annual catalogue Identifier: CAT31283702 (find matches) Year: 1899 (1890s) Authors: Galbraith Nurseries; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (Horticulture) Nebras... Еще

Maria Sibylla Merian-Metamorphosis-Uni bib Utrecht MAG AB 352 Rariora 39

Maria Sibylla Merian-Metamorphosis-Uni bib Utrecht MAG AB 352 Rariora ...

Maria Sibylla Merian-Metamorphosis-insectorum Surinamensium - Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht MAG AB 352 Rariora, Plate 39

Maria Sibylla Merian-Metamorphosis-Uni bib Utrecht MAG AB 352 Rariora 51

Maria Sibylla Merian-Metamorphosis-Uni bib Utrecht MAG AB 352 Rariora ...

Maria Sibylla Merian-Metamorphosis-insectorum Surinamensium - Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht MAG AB 352 Rariora, Plate 51

Johann Leypold - Basilius Besler

Johann Leypold - Basilius Besler

Public domain image related to botany, botanical artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hortus Eystettensis, Vorzeichnungen (MS 2370 2952644) -Aestiva,1,3

Hortus Eystettensis, Vorzeichnungen (MS 2370 2952644) -Aestiva,1,3

Deutsch: Vorzeichnungen zum Hortus Eystettensis [vor 1613], Blatt 164. Public domain scan of drawing, 17th century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Histoire naturelle des oiseaux mouches ou colibris - Histoirenaturell00muls 0059

Histoire naturelle des oiseaux mouches ou colibris - Histoirenaturell0...

Clytolaema matthewsi = Boissonneaua matthewsii[1] Public domain scan - Bird, 19th-century zoological illustration print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Histoire naturelle des oiseaux mouches ou colibris - Histoirenaturell11874muls 0295

Histoire naturelle des oiseaux mouches ou colibris - Histoirenaturell1...

Lampornis mango Public domain scan - Bird, 19th-century zoological illustration print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Histoire naturelle des oiseaux mouches ou colibris - Histoirenaturell31877muls 0351 (cropped)

Histoire naturelle des oiseaux mouches ou colibris - Histoirenaturell3...

Chaetocercus rosae = Chaetocercus jourdanii rosae[1] Public domain scan - Bird, 19th-century zoological illustration print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Catherine Haussard-Pêche blanche-Traité des arbres fruitiers- Duhamel du Monceau

Catherine Haussard-Pêche blanche-Traité des arbres fruitiers- Duhamel ...

Public domain image related to botany, botanical artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Garidel Pierre - P19 - Sabot de Vénus

Garidel Pierre - P19 - Sabot de Vénus

Public domain image related to botany, botanical artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Garidel Pierre - P58- Iris - Public domain botanical illustration

Garidel Pierre - P58- Iris - Public domain botanical illustration

Public domain image related to botany, botanical artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Garidel Pierre - P63- Lis orangé

Garidel Pierre - P63- Lis orangé

Public domain image related to botany, botanical artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Aerial photographs - Spelterini Cairo 3

Aerial photographs - Spelterini Cairo 3

Aerial view of central Cairo, Egypt — in 1904. Photographed from a balloon at about 500 metres (1,600 ft) above the ground — by Eduard Spelterini (1852 - 1931). Left of the Nile is Gezira island with the botan... Еще

009 Hookeria nipponensis marubaaburagoke

009 Hookeria nipponensis marubaaburagoke

Hookeria nipponensis 日本語: マルバアブラゴケ Public domain photograph of 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

027 Aulacomnium heterostichum nagamichouchingoke

027 Aulacomnium heterostichum nagamichouchingoke

Aulacomnium heterostichum 日本語: ナガミチョウチンゴケ Public domain scan of drawing, 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Drawing, album (BM 1878,1214.63 1)

Drawing, album (BM 1878,1214.63 1)

Drawing from an album, yellow and crimson Tulip, blue Convolvulus and crimson Gladiolus, tied with orange ribbon Watercolour over metalpoint, heightened with white, on vellum

Drawing, album (BM 1878,1214.68)

Drawing, album (BM 1878,1214.68)

Drawing from an album, purple Iris, pink Anenome and yellow composite, tied with crimson ribbon Watercolour over metalpoint, on vellum

Drawing, album (BM SL,5275.47) - Public domain scan / drawing

Drawing, album (BM SL,5275.47) - Public domain scan / drawing

Grape vine with examples of two moths, from an album of 91 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of Surinam Insects &c'; with caterpillars and chrysalises Watercolour and bodycolour, with pen and grey ink, on vellum

Drawing, album (BM SL,5275.50) - Public domain scenic drawing

Drawing, album (BM SL,5275.50) - Public domain scenic drawing

Example of a red, green and gold beetle (?), from an album of 91 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of Surinam Insects &c'; with four further insects on a white-flowered plant Watercolour and bodycolour, hei... Еще

Drawing, album (BM SL,5275.57) - Public domain illustration drawing

Drawing, album (BM SL,5275.57) - Public domain illustration drawing

Life cycle of a moth, on a guava branch bearing round green fruit, from an album of 91 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of Surinam Insects &c'; with two caterpillars, a chrysalis and two flies Watercolour ... Еще

Drawing, album (BM SL,5275.73 1)

Drawing, album (BM SL,5275.73 1)

A lizard and a black and white snake entwined around an orange-flowered Nasturtium, from an album entitled 'Merian's Drawings of Surinam Insects &c' Watercolour and bodycolour, heightened with white, on vellum

Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.39) - Public domain scenic drawing

Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.39) - Public domain scenic drawing

The life cycle of the butterfly and the moth, from an album of 160 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of European Insects &c'; with examples of two caterpillars eating berries and another on a carrot at cent... Еще

Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.42 1)

Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.42 1)

A thistle, from an album of 160 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of European Insects &c'; with examples of a small fly-like insect on each of the two flowerheads Watercolour and bodycolour, on vellum

Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.81) - Public domain scenic drawing

Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.81) - Public domain scenic drawing

Caryophyllus purpureus, depicting the life cycle of the moth, from an album of 160 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of European Insects &c'; with examples of a caterpillar and a chrysalis on a crimson carn... Еще

Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.83 1)

Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.83 1)

The life cycle of the moth, from an album of 160 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of European Insects &c'; with examples of a caterpillar and chrysalis on the leaves of a Tiger Lily (?) plant, and the stag... Еще

Drawing, album (BM SL,5278.15) - Public domain  drawing

Drawing, album (BM SL,5278.15) - Public domain drawing

Barba Jovis, three studies of leafy plants with bell-shaped flowers, from an album of 65 drawings entitled 'Roberts's Drawings of Plants, Birds, Shells &c. Vol.II' Watercolour and bodycolour, on vellum

Drawing, album (BM SL,5279.22) - Public domain  drawing

Drawing, album (BM SL,5279.22) - Public domain drawing

Red-flowering plant with broad leaves, from an album of 40 drawings of birds, reptiles, insects, plants and shells, etc by various artists Watercolour, with bodycolour, on vellum

1361 Zephyranthes mesochloa, Edwardss botanical register

1361 Zephyranthes mesochloa, Edwardss botanical register

Zephyranthes mesochloa Public domain scan of botanical illustration, flowers, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Acanthocereus tetragonus pm - Public domain botanical illustration

Acanthocereus tetragonus pm - Public domain botanical illustration

Acanthocereus tetragonus Public domain scan - 19th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Aerides multiflora (as Aerides affinis) - Curtis' 70 (N.S. 17) pl. 4049 (1844)

Aerides multiflora (as Aerides affinis) - Curtis' 70 (N.S. 17) pl. 404...

Illustration of Aerides multiflora (as syn. Aerides affinis) Public domain scan - 19th-century botanical illustration, orchid, flower, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Alangium salviifolium Engler - Public domain botanical illustration

Alangium salviifolium Engler - Public domain botanical illustration

Public domain image related to botany, botanical artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Albizia odoratissima00 - Public domain  drawing

Albizia odoratissima00 - Public domain drawing

Description of Albizia odoratissima from "Hortus Indicus Malabaricus" Public domain scan of drawing, botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Anaphyllum species DPR - Public domain portrait drawing

Anaphyllum species DPR - Public domain portrait drawing

Both species of Anaphyllum Public domain scan of drawing, 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain scan of drawing, botanical illus... Еще

Angraecum germinyanum, Joseph Dalton Hooker

Angraecum germinyanum, Joseph Dalton Hooker

Illustration of Angraecum germinyanum Public domain scan - Orchid, 19th-century botanical illustration, flower, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Anguloa uniflora2, Curtiss botanical magazine

Anguloa uniflora2, Curtiss botanical magazine

Illustration of Anguloa uniflora Public domain scan of 19th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Arabella Elizabeth Roupell07 - Public domain botanical illustration

Arabella Elizabeth Roupell07 - Public domain botanical illustration

Protea mellifera Thunb. is a synonym of Protea repens L. Public domain scan of 19th-century botanical illustration, flowering plant, flower, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description



Coloured engraving of Baptisia tinctoria wild indigo, a legume. Public domain scan - 19th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Begonia albococcinea, Curtiss botanical magazine

Begonia albococcinea, Curtiss botanical magazine

Begonia albococcinea Hooker, Botanical Magazine t. 4172. 1845. Public domain scan of 19th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Botrychium silaifolium - Public domain botanical illustration

Botrychium silaifolium - Public domain botanical illustration

Botrychium silaifolium (accepted name : Botrychium multifidum) ; An etching by Alexandre Blouin (1892-1987) published in 1935 in Flore laurentienne by Frère Marie-Victorin (p. 118, 122) Français : Botrychium ... Еще

Brassia lanceana - W J Hooker - A century - pl 83

Brassia lanceana - W J Hooker - A century - pl 83

Illustration of Brassia lanceana Public domain scan - Orchid, 19th-century botanical illustration, flower, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Bredia hirsuta 108-6647, Curtiss botanical magazine

Bredia hirsuta 108-6647, Curtiss botanical magazine

Bredia hirsuta, Melastomataceae Public domain scan of 19th-century botanical illustration, flowering plant, flower, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Brownea sp Taub83 - Public domain portrait drawing

Brownea sp Taub83 - Public domain portrait drawing

Illustration from book Public domain scan of drawing, 19th century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bulbophyllum falcatum var. velutinum (as Bulbophyllum rhizophorae, spelled Bolbophyllum rhizophorae) - Curtis' 88 (Ser. 3 no. 18) pl. 5309 (1862)

Bulbophyllum falcatum var. velutinum (as Bulbophyllum rhizophorae, spe...

Illustration of Bulbophyllum falcatum var. velutinum (as syn. Bulbophyllum rhizophorae, spelled by Hooker as Bolbophyllum rhizophorae)

Bulbophyllum helenae (as Cirrhopetalum cornutum) - Curtis' 79 (Ser. 3 no. 9) pl. 4753 (1853)

Bulbophyllum helenae (as Cirrhopetalum cornutum) - Curtis' 79 (Ser. 3 ...

Illustration of Bulbophyllum helenae (as syn. Cirrhopetalum cornutum) Public domain scan - Orchid, 19th-century botanical illustration, flower, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Bulbophyllum lasiochilum (as Cirrhopetalum breviscapum) - Curtis' 131 (Ser. 4 no. 1) pl. 8033 (1905)

Bulbophyllum lasiochilum (as Cirrhopetalum breviscapum) - Curtis' 131 ...

Illustration of Bulbophyllum lasiochilum (as syn. Cirrhopetalum breviscapum) Public domain photograph of 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bulbophyllum maximum (as Megaclinium platyrhachis) - plant - Curtis' 130 (Ser. 3 no. 60) pl. 7946 (1904)

Bulbophyllum maximum (as Megaclinium platyrhachis) - plant - Curtis' 1...

Illustration of Bulbophyllum maximum (as syn. Megaclinium platyrhachis) Public domain photograph of 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bulbophyllum pahudii (as Bulbophyllum virescens) - Curtis' 136 (Ser. 4 no. 6) pl. 8327 (1910)

Bulbophyllum pahudii (as Bulbophyllum virescens) - Curtis' 136 (Ser. 4...

Illustration of Bulbophyllum pahudii (as syn. Bulbophyllum virescens) Public domain photograph of 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Calanthe rosea (as Limatodis rosea, spelled Limatodes rosea) - Paxton's Flower Garden vol. 3 pl. 81 (1853)

Calanthe rosea (as Limatodis rosea, spelled Limatodes rosea) - Paxton'...

Illustration of Calanthe rosea (as syn. Limatodis rosea, spelled by Lindley as Limatodes rosea)

Calanthe triplicata (as Calanthe veratrifolia) - Curtis' 53 pl. 2615 (1826)

Calanthe triplicata (as Calanthe veratrifolia) - Curtis' 53 pl. 2615 (...

Illustration of Calanthe triplicata (as syn. Calanthe veratrifolia) Public domain scan - Orchid, 19th-century botanical illustration, flower, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Calanthe × veitchii (unplaced name) - Curtis' 89 (Ser. 3 no. 19) pl. 5375 (1863)

Calanthe × veitchii (unplaced name) - Curtis' 89 (Ser. 3 no. 19) pl. 5...

Illustration of Calanthe × veitchii (unplaced name) Public domain scan of botanical illustration, flowers, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Calochilus campestris - Curtis' 59 (N.S. 6) pl. 3187 (1832)

Calochilus campestris - Curtis' 59 (N.S. 6) pl. 3187 (1832)

Illustration of Calochilus campestris Public domain scan - Orchid, 19th-century botanical illustration, flower, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Flower drawing - Calystegia tuguriorum 2

Flower drawing - Calystegia tuguriorum 2

Species: Calystegia tuguriorum, as Convolvulus lacteus Family: Convolvulaceae Country: New Zealand Place: Teoeroa, Tegadu Bay, Tolaga Bay Artist: ? Format: Finished Drawing Medium: Watercolours On Paper

Cambessedesia paraguayensis 108-6604, Curtiss botanical magazine

Cambessedesia paraguayensis 108-6604, Curtiss botanical magazine

Cambessedesia paraguayensis (= Acisanthera paraguayensis), Melastomataceae Public domain scan of 19th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Campanula ephesia 143-8715, Curtiss botanical magazine

Campanula ephesia 143-8715, Curtiss botanical magazine

Campanula ephesia (= Campanula tomentosa), Campanulaceae Public domain photograph of 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Campylosiphon purpurascens IP - Public domain portrait drawing

Campylosiphon purpurascens IP - Public domain portrait drawing

Campylosiphon purpurascens Public domain scan of drawing, 19th century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Castilleja miniata 143-8730, Curtiss botanical magazine

Castilleja miniata 143-8730, Curtiss botanical magazine

Castilleja miniata, Orobanchaceae Public domain photograph of 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cestrum elegans, Curtiss botanical magazine

Cestrum elegans, Curtiss botanical magazine

Cestrum elegans Public domain scan of 19th-century botanical illustration, fruits and seeds, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Chysis limminghei (as Chysis aurea var. limminghei) - Curtis' 87 (Ser. 3 no. 17) pl. 5265 (1861)

Chysis limminghei (as Chysis aurea var. limminghei) - Curtis' 87 (Ser....

Illustration of Chysis limminghei (as syn. Chysis aurea var. limminghei) Public domain scan - 19th-century botanical illustration, orchid, flower, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Cissampelos andromorpha - Public domain dedication image

Cissampelos andromorpha - Public domain dedication image

Illustration of Cissampelos andromorpha Public domain scan - 19th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Clematis 'Atragène des Indes' - Public domain botanical illustration

Clematis 'Atragène des Indes' - Public domain botanical illustration

Clematis 'Atragène des Indes' Public domain photograph of botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Clematis afoliata 142-8686, Curtiss botanical magazine

Clematis afoliata 142-8686, Curtiss botanical magazine

Clematis afoliata, Ranunculaceae Public domain photograph of 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Columnea gloriosa 137-8378, Curtiss botanical magazine

Columnea gloriosa 137-8378, Curtiss botanical magazine

Columnea gloriosa, Gesneriaceae Public domain photograph of 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Corokia × virgata 138-8466, Curtiss botanical magazine

Corokia × virgata 138-8466, Curtiss botanical magazine

Corokia × virgata (= Corokia buddleioides × Corokia cotoneaster), Argophyllaceae Public domain photograph of 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Coryanthes macrantha - Curtis' 126 (Ser. 3 no. 56) pl 7692 (1900)

Coryanthes macrantha - Curtis' 126 (Ser. 3 no. 56) pl 7692 (1900)

Illustration of Coryanthes macrantha Public domain photograph of 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cotyledon oppositifolia 145-8822, Curtiss botanical magazine

Cotyledon oppositifolia 145-8822, Curtiss botanical magazine

Cotyledon oppositifolia (= Umbilicus oppositifolius), Crassulaceae Public domain photograph of 20th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cotyledon velutina - Curtis's Botanical Magazine vol. 94 1868 t. 5684

Cotyledon velutina - Curtis's Botanical Magazine vol. 94 1868 t. 5684

Illustration of Cotyledon velutina Public domain scan of 19th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Crinum zeylanicum typus - Public domain botanical illustration

Crinum zeylanicum typus - Public domain botanical illustration

Crinum zeylanicum (the lectotype) Public domain photograph of botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description


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