Since its inception, has become a popular research tool. With the introduction of our AI Similarity Engine, finding previously obscure copyright-free media become easier. And as our search becomes more and more powerful, more users ask for better ways to browse through previously visited media.
Of course, users can save their top picks to their collections, but much easier would be to be able simply to return to previously visited. You asked and we listened. Find the clock symbol - the new button at the top right of the main menu, next to the language selector, and activate your browsing history.
Very handy. Needless to say: like all new features, this one is already added to your personal public domain archive - you can set it up when you sign up.
We hope you will use it a lot. Please note that we have no reason to share your browsing history with anyone but you. Our search engine features no ads. We solely rely on our users' support.
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