Promotional photograph of Lucile Watson for the original Broadway production of Watch on the Rhine
Caption reads as follows:Miss Watson brings to the role of Fanny Farrelly in Lillian Hellman's prize-winning play the full impact of her mature and telling powers. Miss Watson's style is as distinguished as it is forceful, clothed in an authority acquired through many years of success in the exercise of her profession. Her quick, incisive manner, her expert timing, her wit combined with an inherent dignity make her an ideal interpreter of Miss Hellman's American matriarch who is faced with new issues and meets them with courage and understanding. Miss Watson's career has been long and fruitful and has included leading roles in the comedies of many modern playwrights, French, English and American, including many popular hits. Hollywood has had a goodly share of her time since 1934 but his not lessened her ability to handle a challenging role such as the one confided to her in Miss Hellman's play.
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