Carel Adolph Lion Cachet - Verzameling cirkels op lijnen
Blad 3 verso en 4 recto uit een schetsboek met 41 bladen.
Born as Carel Adolph Cachet, in 1901 he added "Lion" to his name. From 1880 to 1885 he was educated as teacher for primary school in Amsterdam, and he became an art teacher at various schools in Amsterdam. Gradually he developed into a decorative art artist. He used batik techniques to design textile, was wood engraver, designed wallpaper, carpets, decorative pottery, furniture, banknotes, posters, was bookbinding designer, and made complete designs for decorating salons in Dutch passenger ships, including for the Netherlands Steamship Company.
1874 - 1945
Copyright info
Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication ("CCO 1.0 Dedication")