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Trolley trips through New England (1900) (14592936959)


Trolley trips through New England (1900) (14592936959)



Identifier: trolleytripsthro01hart (find matches)
Title: Trolley trips through New England ..
Year: 1900 (1900s)
Subjects: New England -- Description and travel. (from old catalog) Hudson River Valley (N.Y. and N.J.) -- Description and travel
Publisher: Hartford, Conn., Guyde publishing co.
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation

Text Appearing Before Image:
Copyri£ht,1913Copyri£ht,1913 by Yale Universityby The Trolley Press New Haven Center& Yale University A song for old Yale, for brave old Yale, Who hath stood in her glory long;Heres honor and fame to her revrend name, And the memries that round it throng;Theres a thrill in the word that the heart hath stirrd, Tho breathd in a maidens sigh;But as wild on the gale rings the rally of YALE, And stern as a battle cry.— Yale College was founded in 1701, and named in honor of Gov.Elihu Yale. Ex-President Taft is now a professor of Old Eli.The usual course of the visitor is to enter near the comer of Col-lege and Chapel Streets. Free guides may be secured, in vacation,every hour, at Phelps gateway. The Sheffield Scientific School(Sheff) lies northeast, and Yale Field two miles west. Thatremarkable structure, the new Yale Bowl, which outrivals theancient stadia of the Greeks, well see at the Thanksgiving Daygame. Description: New York to Boston and Portland 19
Text Appearing After Image:
ON THE WAY TO WATERBURY THE NAUGATUCK RIVER Here in New Haven Green we have our choice of four routesBostonward :•—over the hills to Cheshire—the country way; orup thro Meriden and Middletown—the town way; or even castback to Derby and thence up the Naugatuck to Waterbury—theriver way. Best of all, perhaps, is the splendid NEW ROUTEnow opened up thro Saybrook to New London—the shore way- Ponder well your choice. Meantime, we will note briefly thefirst three; the last is fully described on page 50 following^ andmakes up our second fine, new Through Way to Boston.Bridgeport to Waterbury—the river way. Bridgeporters! or those called to Bridgeport by care or pleas-ure!—take this scenic way north; it cuts across and rejoins ourmain route at Milldale. Beyond Stratford we obtain a splendid view of the Housatonic,here broad and shoal. Running along the bluffs, we eventuallyswing around a high out-corner, snatching a glimpse of DerbyHill across river, then descend the heights t





Library of Congress

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trolley trips through new england 1900
trolley trips through new england 1900
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