Topaz times (Topaz, Utah), May 15, 1943
Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 27, 1942)-v. 12, no. 9 (Aug. 31, 1945).
Saturday issue has title: Topaz Saturday times, Dec. 5, 1942-Jan. 23, 1943; Saturday Topaz times, Jan. 30-Feb. 27, 1943.
Editor: E. Kirimura, <Dec. 5, 1942>; T. Katayama, Jan. 30-Apr. 6, 1943.
Collected in Japanese camp papers.
Vol. 1, no. 1 preceded by 10 introductory issues published Sept. 17-Oct. 24, 1942 and called pre-issues no. 1-10.
Internment camp newspaper. Cf. Hady, M.E. and J.P. Danky. Asian-Amer. periodicals and newspapers.
Has supplements.
Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service.
Also available in digital format on the Library of Congress website.
In English and Japanese.
Published at the Central Utah WRA Relocation Center established by the War Relocation Authority.
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