Aubrey Beardsley - The Savoy (1896) (14782027582)
Identifier: savoy02symo (find matches)
Title: The Savoy
Year: 1896 (1890s)
Authors: Symons, Arthur, 1865-1945 Beardsley, Aubrey, 1872-1898
Subjects: English literature Literature, Modern Art
Publisher: London, L. Smithers
Contributing Library: Philadelphia Museum of Art, Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
Text Appearing Before Image:
THE SAVOY—N° IV All communications should be directed to THE EDITOR OFTHE SaVOV, Effingfiam House, Arundel Street, Strand, London,W.C. MSS. sfiould be type-written, and stamps enclosed fortlieir return. THESAVOY No. 4 August 1896 EDITED BY ARTHUR SYMONS
Text Appearing After Image:
LEONARD SMITHERS ARUNDEL STREET, STRANDLONDON W.C. 1CK PRESb: CHARLES WHITT1NGHAM AND CO., TOOKS COLRT, CHANCERY LANE. LONDON. LITERARY CONTENTS PAGE BEAUTYS HOUR. A Phantasy. By O. Shakespear. (In Two Parts) . nWILLIAM BLAKE AND HIS ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE DIVINE COMEDY. II. His Opinions on Dante. (The Second of Three Articles by \V. B. Yeats) 25 VENITE, DESCENDAMUS. A Poem by Ernest Dowson . . .41TWO FOOLISH HEARTS. A Scene of Rustic Life. By George Morlev 45IN PIOUS MOOD. A Translation by Osman Edwards into English Verse of Emile Verhaerens Poem Pieusement 56 FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE—III. (The Third of Three Articles by Havelock Ellis) . . . . . . . . . . -57 STELLA MALIGNA. A Poem by Arthur Symons 64 THE D YING OF FRANCIS DONNE. A Study. By Ernest Dowson 66THREE SONNETS. (Hawker of Morwenstow.—Mother Ann: Foundress of the Shakers.—Miinster: a.d. 1534.) By Lionel Johnson 75 THE GINGERBREAD FAIR AT VINCENNES. A Colour Study. By Arthur Symons .......... 79 THE SONG OF THE WOMEN. A Weal
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