The pathway of life to which is added a biography of Dr. Talmage (1888) (14782209885)
Identifier: pathwayoflifetow00thom (find matches)
Title: The pathway of life ... to which is added a biography of Dr. Talmage
Year: 1888 (1880s)
Authors: Thomas De Witt Talmage
Publisher: Historrical pub. Co.
Contributing Library: Gumberg Library, Duquesne University
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
Text Appearing Before Image:
-—whole armies of denunciation, and scorn, and sarcasm,
Text Appearing After Image:
o w w 15.o o w pa (207) 2o8 THE PATHWAY OF LIFE. and irony, and caricature, and wrath. You express yourself against some mean-ness or hj^pocrisy in all the oaths that ever smoked up from the pit, and I willcome right on after you and give you a thousandfold more emphasis of denuncia-tion to the same meanness and the same hypocrisy in words across which no slimehas ever trailed, and into which the fires of hell have never shot their forkedtongues—the pure, the innocent, God-honored Anglo-Saxon in which Miltonsang, and John Bun3^an dreamed and Shakespeare dramatized. There is no excuse for profanity when we have such a magnificent language—such a flow of good words, potent words, mighty words, words just to suit everycrisis and every case. Whatever be the cause of it, profanity is on the increase,and if you do not know it, it is because 3our ears have been hardened by the dinof imprecations so that you are not stirred and moved as you ought to be by pro-fanities in these cities whic
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