The New York times (New-York N.Y.), September 21, 1919
Daily, Apr. 21, 1861-
Vol. 6, no. 1868 (Sept. 14, 1857)-
Suspended Dec. 12-28, 1958; Dec. 20, 1962-Mar. 1963; Sept. 17-Oct. 10, 1965; and Aug. 10-Nov. 5, 1978.
Also issued in a continuously updated online version with title: New York times on the web.
Also issued on CD-ROM, and microfilm from UMI.
Also available in digital format on the Library of Congress website.
Large type ed.: New York times large type weekly, 1967-
Sunday issue also includes issues of: The New York times book review.
Semiweekly eds.: Semi-weekly times (New York, N.Y.), 1857-1867, and: New-York semi-weekly times, 1867-<1880>
Weekly ed.: New-York weekly times, 1857-<1896>.
Issued monthly in a reduced size publication titled: Little times, <1924-1928>.
Latest issue consulted: Vol. 151, no. 52,028 (Feb. 13, 2002).
The New York Times illustrated front pages, during WWI, 1914-1918. While this NYT scans resolution is relatively low, our Deep Learning Upscaling works really well on this type of illustrations producing crisp 1200x1600px images. Upscaling is a feature available to subscribers.
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