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The Independent (1849) (14759241816)


The Independent (1849) (14759241816)



Identifier: independen89v90newy (find matches)
Title: The Independent
Year: 1849 (1840s)
Publisher: New York : S.W. Benedict
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto

Text Appearing Before Image:
much better results. Use It Every Thousand Miles If you will use Johnsons Guaranteed Carbon Re-mover every 1000 miles you can keep your motor clean andsweet, and always at its highest efficiency, and you will secure the maximum power and speed from the minimum amount of fuel. Special Offer If your dealer cannot supply you with Johnsons CarbonRemover use attached coupon. For a limited time we willinclude, gratis, a half-pint 6ample of Johnsons Stop-Squeak Oil—our new product. It instantly penetrates between the leaves ofsprings thoroughly lubricating them and giving perfect spring action. ■ .■■■■■■■■i.—■t?ir THIS COUPON.————————— S. C. JOHNSON & SON, Dept. 1-5, Racine, Wis. I enclose $i for which please send me by prepaid express ciiourIi Johnsons Carbon Re-movi r to thoroughly clean an ordinary motor three times. Also send half pint of JohnsonsStop-Squeak Oil free. Name Address City and State.My Dealer is.. 250 THE INDEPENDENT May 5, 1917
Text Appearing After Image:
Case your feet by removing the cause of the trouble





University of Toronto

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the independent 1917
the independent 1917