The historie of the most renowned and victorious Princesse Elizabeth, late queen of England. Contayning all the important and remarkeable passages of state both at home and abroad, during her long and prosperous raigne. Composed by way of annals. Neuer heretofore so faithfully and fully published in English.
Translation of Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha.
Translator's pref. signed: R.N. [i.e. Robert Norton]
Six unnumbered pages between p. 104 and 105 (4th group)
STC 4500.
Kraus, H.P. Sir Francis Drake, no. 43
L.C. copy imperfect: 2 leaves of table (p. [15-18], 6th group) wanting. DLC
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
The historie of the most renowned and victorious Princesse Elizabeth, late queen of England. Contayning all the important and remarkeable passages of state both at home and abroad, during her long and prosperous raigne. Composed by way of annals. Neuer heretofore so faithfully and fully published in English.
Camden, William, 1551-1623.
Library of Congress
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Public Domain